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ACLU... I hate you.

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What I do believe is that the article is trying to use that as an excuse as to why it should not be taken down....they are claiming it is not "religious". I find that bogus.

If you read the article that is their excuse BUT that is the reason ACLU is trying to take it down. They want it down because it relates to christianity. It "does" but it doesn't HAVE to. It all depends on how you look at it. No one is telling anyone else to go bow down, pray or even LOOK at the cross. If you don't like it, ignore it. If you do, enjoy it. Thats the bottom line really.
However, I think it is obvious that it is a religious symbol.

Of course it is :) Nothing is wrong with that. All religions are allowed to erect things that they want. People just need to learn how to accept that and keep mouths closed about it.
I just hope the same people who support leaving it be would also feel the same had it been a non-christian religious symbol in question.

It is not a christian religious symbol

However, I think it is obvious that it is a religious symbol.

Of course it is :) Nothing is wrong with that. All religions are allowed to erect things that they want. People just need to learn how to accept that and keep mouths closed about it.

That's what I've been trying to say the whole time ;)
Not on federal land, they aren't.

I would also have to agree with this...I did not read the whole article, merely skimmed it. Is it on federal land? I'd have to think about it in that case. I still lean towards the leave it side, but not as strongly.
Emily as a budding journalist you need to learn how to look at biases in written work and discern fact from fiction. This article is from a christian journal hence its biased not in a necessarily bad way, but biased.

The thing is we live in a PC world like or not. I personally hate it, but it is what it is. This is a national preserve which is a vague description of the property it resides on, but what is the preserve for. I ask because for example there are still Native Americn tribes in our country that live on such preserves- could this be the case? Little offends me including the cross and yes I agree it would be nice if people just ignored the things they didn't like, but thats not the way the world works- just look at forums for small scale evidence of this.

I believe veterans have the right to bear memorials showing thanks for what they have done for our country, but a memorial can be a plague, statue, or any chosen figure with no religious ties. A person of jewish or muslim faith may not want their loved ones memorialized with a religious symbol differing from their's so it does seem there can be a happy medium here. Replace the cross with a plague or statue to honor these soldiers and save the cross for church. The soldiers and their sacrifice are still honored, families are at peace with how their loved ones are honored, and all the people wearing their underwear to tight can get some relief as well:)
Just so we're clear, I can put up anything on my private property... but federal land is different... separation of church n' state and what not.
It is, and they are saying government is showing favoritism toward christian religion. I agree it is a religious symbol, BUT NOT IN THIS CASE. It is a memorial for the dead... It's almost... disrespectful to our veterans I feel like.

My Grandpa, a WW2 vet, actually got really emotional when he saw this announced on TV. He told my mom, "Look... they are trying to forget us already. We aren't even all dead yet." He cried... It was very upsetting and since it is solely a memorial for the veterans, they should leave it. Federal land or not. It is the American and most Patriotic thing to do for those who lost their lives to save our country.
A person of jewish or muslim faith may not want their loved ones memorialized with a religious symbol differing from their's so it does seem there can be a happy medium here. Replace the cross with a plague or statue to honor these soldiers and save the cross for church. The soldiers and their sacrifice are still honored, families are at peace with how their loved ones are honored, and all the people wearing their underwear to tight can get some relief as well

Actually, who cares if it is a cross? I could care less if Muslims ect don't like it. I don't like things they put out. I don't like their religion BUT I IGNORE IT. I let them have their things they want and need, I just choose to ignore it. Why can't everyone be like that? Let everyone have their own statues.

This cross is HISTORICAL. The people in the war put it up themselves. The man who is taking care of it right now promised his dying friend that fought in the war that he would always take care of it.

Just let the innocent cross be. Its in the middle of the desert, hardly NO ONE EVER SEES IT!!!
Replace the cross with a plague or statue to honor these soldiers and save the cross for church. The soldiers and their sacrifice are still honored, families are at peace with how their loved ones are honored, and all the people wearing their underwear to tight can get some relief as well:)

This is always my general feeling in such instances...a non-religious memorial on public/federal land (on private land, do what you want). Am I offended by the cross? No, but I can understand how some could be. It's a fine line...and I admit on the issue I plead neutrality.

I think it should stay, if only for it's historical significance (as in, part of war time historical significance...) If someone proposed a new cross (or other religious symbol) memorial today, that has no historical significance other than being a memorial, I would have to go on the other side and say no.

Though I am just basing this on the skimming and few miniscule facts I have.

Though I think a plaque would be preferred over the plague...infectious diseases don't suit me :rofl:
No, but I can understand how some could be.

My final plead is this: I don't care if others get offended. They can put up whatever they want, and I don't care one bit.

The cross is on the middle of the desert... Like what? two, maybe three people see it every so often?

Its kinda ridiculous...

My vote is leave it up, let people get offended. They will get over it soon enough. Never hurt anyone to be offended. Makes you stronger :D :D :D
Do you not see the obvious problem here?

If you memorialize veterans with one religious symbol, you must, in order to avoid favoritism to any one religion represent them all. Can you feasibly account for all religions? It is virtually impossible and certainly a financial waist. Therefore, the only logical option is to avoid religious symbols in government erected monuments on government land.

Personally, I think it's a little bit silly to remove an old cross in the middle of nowhere, but its existence is unconstitutional.

I'd love to see it replaced with a neutral memorial, but I would cry if it was left up either.
Therefore, the only logical option is to avoid religious symbols in government erected monuments on government land.

Are you in favor of removing Arlington National Cemetery? It's on federal land.........
The whole d*mn thing? lol. No. However, while I've never been there, it looks to be mostly plain tombstones, with one big cross.

I am in favor in the ideas behind removing religious imagery from government land? Absolutely, I am.

However, the reality of removing and the manpower required are not something I think needs to be concentrated on removing an old cross from Arlington or from the Mojave.
Are you in favor of removing Arlington National Cemetery? It's on federal land.........

Personally I would say no for the same reason I say leave the cross in the desert...historical significance.

However, I do believe for new tombs they should allow a symbol of a religious faith of the family's choosing (I think they do pentacles now? I don't know much about Arlington)
The whole d*mn thing? lol. No. However, while I've never been there, it looks to be mostly plain tombstones, with one big cross.

I made a mistake and said Arlington. I meant this American Cemetery. On Federal land...Here it is. Are you wanting to remove these??? If you say yes, I beleive you are truly un american.

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