Striped Topaz SK SG Free
RedCoat Okeetees
0.4 RedCoat Jasper County Okeetees ph Lava Sunkissed
Breeding: Redcoat Jasper County Okeetee het Lava Sunkissed x Jasper County Okeetee het Redcoat Lava Sunkissed.
Produced from Kathy Loves Jasper County Sunkissed and Jasper County RedCoat Lavas. These are the purest Mutant Corn Snakes you can find. The Sunkissed, Lava and RedCoat Genes in these Corns can all be traced to wild caught Corns in Jasper County. They have been tested, and are Stargazer Free.
If you are working with Jasper County Okeetees, or Hunt Club Okeetees, here is your chance to add a Mutant gene to your project and keep the line PURE Jasper County Okeetee. I have used Kathy Loves original Jasper County Sunkissed, and only bred them to my Jasper County Lava Okeetees and Lee Abbotts Jasper County Okeetees.
When you breed your Jasper County Okeetees X Jasper County Sunkissed, you will produce Jasper County Okeetees het for Sunkissed, just as nice as any other line of Jasper County Okeetees.
I am also working with RedCoat Jasper County Lava Okeetees, and Jasper County Lava Okeetees. They will be available in 2020 to add to your Jasper County Okeetee Projects.
Finally, 3 Mutant Genes to breed into your Jasper County Okeetees and still keep your line PURE Cornsnake.
0.4 RedCoat Jasper County Okeetees ph Lava Sunkissed
Breeding: Redcoat Jasper County Okeetee het Lava Sunkissed x Jasper County Okeetee het Redcoat Lava Sunkissed.
Produced from Kathy Loves Jasper County Sunkissed and Jasper County RedCoat Lavas. These are the purest Mutant Corn Snakes you can find. The Sunkissed, Lava and RedCoat Genes in these Corns can all be traced to wild caught Corns in Jasper County. They have been tested, and are Stargazer Free.
If you are working with Jasper County Okeetees, or Hunt Club Okeetees, here is your chance to add a Mutant gene to your project and keep the line PURE Jasper County Okeetee. I have used Kathy Loves original Jasper County Sunkissed, and only bred them to my Jasper County Lava Okeetees and Lee Abbotts Jasper County Okeetees.
When you breed your Jasper County Okeetees X Jasper County Sunkissed, you will produce Jasper County Okeetees het for Sunkissed, just as nice as any other line of Jasper County Okeetees.
I am also working with RedCoat Jasper County Lava Okeetees, and Jasper County Lava Okeetees. They will be available in 2020 to add to your Jasper County Okeetee Projects.
Finally, 3 Mutant Genes to breed into your Jasper County Okeetees and still keep your line PURE Cornsnake.
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