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Aelfric Is Back!!!


norbert and aelfric
I was sitting on my couch last night reading a book (LIFE EXPECTANCY by DEAN KOONTZ, read it, it's a real thriller) and from under the couch emerged my hatchling cremesicle, Aelfric who has been MIA since the end of January. He's back! I carefully picked him up and immediately offered him some water, then I quickly put fresh substrate in his viv, pumped the heat, put back in the hides and gave him more fresh water. His tongue is flicking about like crazy, he's a little bit more docile than usual, but he's quickly perking up. This is the snake I thought croaked it in the garbage can. I'm sooooo happy the little guy is back and I will be making an appointment with the vet and emailing the breeder. I think he just went dormant for the remainder of the winter, natural instinct took over when he discovered that the environment outside of his enclosure was not appropriate for him, he just nestled up...somewhere and took a nice long nappy nap.
congrats norbert! I know you were pretty torn up when he went missing. I'm glad to hear that he's doing well and is back in his home. Now off to the hardware store for some bricks to keep that little guy in this time!!! :)
That is awesome to hear, brings hope to all of those that have creatures MIA.

Is this book as good as his book "Intensity"?

is undoubtedly my favorite KOONTZ novel, but LIFE EXPECTANCY will probably come in second. Tying for third...FALSE MEMORY and THE SERVANTS OF TWILIGHT.
That's awesome man! It's always wonderful when they come back. Once I had a friend babysitting my chinchillas, and he accidently let one of my three month old white babies escape outside. We searched and put up ads forever but never found him. I kept notifying the shelter though, in case anybody found him. Well, TWO YEARS later, he showed up in somebody's barn 7 miles from where he escaped, same little ear tag and everything. It was awesome. Now he's got a cozy little house with me and his own chinchilla girls. ^_^ The moral of these stories? Never give up hope on them. :cheers:
I am so happy for you!

I remember reading that thread and thinking I bet he wasn't in the trash. What a wonderful surprise!
Congrats Norbert! I'm glad to hear that he wasn't causing the stench in the trash can, though you might want to think about buying your tofu somewhere else if it stinks that bad. :grin01:
Woohoo!!! I'm so glad he turned up, and ate to boot! Congrats on getting your little guy back, and in good condition too. :)
My longest MIA was out for up to a day but I found him after only 1 or 1½ hours of tearful searching. I think I would have probably located him faster if I hadn't been so panic stricken!!!!

I don't think I could imagine missing a snake for days or weeks on end...it'd kill me...