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alergict reaction?

Lennycorn said:
"15 gallon tank (2 feet long, 1 foot tall, and 1 foot wide.) and the snake must be no longer than a foot long."

I don't agree with this but no big deal.

I'm not sure I understand....what don't you agree with?
well, i would realy like to take a picture although i have no digital camera. but ill explain it in as much detail as i can.on the hot side of the tank i have 3 rocks over top of the heating pad. at the back of the tank i have a long aspen log that is as long as the tank. in the botum of the tank i have paper tower the he likes to hide under right after he has eaten. i have my heating lamp turn off at night from 10pm, untill 2am in the morning. at night it cools down to 70F and during the day its at about 80F. i have a water dish in the cool side of the tank. also i have a small sized exo-terra heating pad in the warm side and to keep the warm side warm i have a 50 watt exo terra light that glows in the dark when i turn it off (to simulate the moon). i feed him ever 5 days with the smallest pinkie mice i can find. Thats all i can describe in writing. hope that helps in discovering if im doing anything wrong.
Crow said:
I'm not sure I understand....what don't you agree with?

I believe that the snake length could be the same as the length and width of the tank but no more. But it would be better to have them in a larger one.
when i said it must be no longer than 1 foot long i ment that my snake is probly less than i foot long, i didnt mean that he must be no longer than a foot long for the tank he is in. if you dont understand what im talkng about i cant realy explain it better than its a big tank for a small snake.
I asked him for the size of the tank and the snake and I think he was referring to how big the corn is at this time. :)
Sorry for the double post....Cornsnakefan, I think everything is probably Ok. Like Lennycorn stated your snake probably isn't so much lazy as he's just digsting his food. I know that I generally don't see mine too much for at least a couple of days after they eat. As long as he's eating for you and his weight is good I wouldn't worry too much. Oh, and like Katie said, you might want to try the toilet paper or paper towel tubes for a while. They'll take up some space and make great little hides. They're easy to replace if they get soiled too. My snakes use them all the time. Look through the care sheets if you haven't already and good luck with your snake....sounds like he's got a very caring owner! :)
well, i try. also on another not how often do they poop and how big will a pooped out pinky look like? all he has done so far only looks like a little stan on the paper that happened about 3 days after i fed him last. sorry for asking so many questions but i have never owned a snake before.
cornsnakefan you are getting some good advice here, but how about reading up yourself on optimum conditions for your new friend?

Print out the most useful parts in the links Lenny posted if you can't for any reason get the definitive Corn Snake Manual from www.cornutopia.com/
Oh I'm sure you'll still have questions, but a lot less ;). That's what the forum's here for.

If you want to know how to keep snakey happy and healthy first and foremost though, that's the book to buy.
With regards to books, these are the ones that I heard the most being recommended and the ones I own:
- "Corn Snakes : The Comprehensive Owner's Guide" by Kathy Love
- "The Art of Keeping Snakes" by Philippe De Vosjoli

They are really good advice but you also need to look at the links that Lennycorn provided you with.

With regards to laziness, mine does the same as yours, don't worry about it.
She eats, laze around and 1 day before feeding she stars being more active, go around flicking her tongue and being much more aware when I come near the tank.

Enjoy your new snake and I am glad to see that you are asking a lot of questions!