I just thought this might fit best here:
My little Kaa (about 45 cm) has always been a very calm snake. I've had her for about 4 months now and she's been a good eater.
Last two feedings though, she's gone completely berserk when she notices the pinkie. (I feed her two.) Immediately when she gets close she'll strike and roll around whipping her tail around the pinkie and crushing it to the point of fluids coming out! :eek1:
If I come closer than 50 cm from the feeding-box, she'll whip her head around and stare. If I stay put, she'll whip her head around in different directions like she's imagining that there's someone behind her. :eek1:
After she's eaten the first pinkie it's really hard to feed her the other one since it only takes a second or two before she goes for your hand! I've never seen her move that fast! She'll literally try to bite my hand, and when I drop the pinkie she squirms around like crazy again.
I feed her in a separate smaller container like I've always done.
Does my snake need anti-psychotics?
OR... the only thing I can think of...has her eye-sight worsened for some reason...?

And if so, then why?