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Amel Boy eats a towel, wears a sock.


secretly normal
The subject line pretty much sums it up.




I put my boys in my laundry bin when I clean their vivs, it keeps them out of the way and gives them lots of stuff to burrow through with out causing trouble or getting lost. I pulled out Amel Boy and it looks like he decided that not having feet shouldn't stop him from wearing socks.


FinFang watches and judges all this as nonsense.
Nice pics, v_various. Trends and fame and worldly superficialities come and go, but all is well in the world when I see Amel Boy and Finfang.
I wouldn't say that...My most cherished cornsnake is a normal, and I love her amel son nearly as much!! It's really the personality that counts.
Makes you wonder what goes threw his head. :confused:

I feel the same way, every day : D

Thanks everyone! I love my boys so much even if they are the more unimpressive morphs.

I agree with Nanci and just because they are a more common morph does not mean they aren't impressive. I love amels boys colors. BTW my faves out of my snakes (ssshhh Don't tell the others) is my amel and his sister an anery
I have to chuckle at grammar sometimes. I think you meant "through".

You know I actually sat there trying remember which through or threw it was. lol Even tho the definition for through fit better it didn't look right so that is why I went with threw. Teach me to go by looks.