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Amel eye?


Quick Learner
I'm not too sure about this but my new little amel has some darkness to his eyes? There is a small black area near the pupil. Is this normal?


Quite a few amels have that, I'm not sure what it is but I always find it weird when I see it in my hatchlings! Very cute one you've got there. :)
Sometimes, amel, snows and other light red eyed snakes have those flecks of black around their pupil. I am not sure why, nor do I believe many people know what causes it. But it is common.
I didn't notice Tyras with that, oddly enough. I can't say I can tell with the ultramels yet either.
Weird. I guess some you can see, and some you can't. Just making sure there wasn't a need to worry. Sadly, this bugger hasn't ate yet either. Two tries failed. :/
We had an Australian Shepherd that had an iris coloboma. If I remember correctly it had something to do with the merle gene and can be found in both blue and dark colored eyes.

People can have iris colobomas too, so it's not strictly related to the merle gene, but idk what causes it in people.

It looked alot like what's going on with your snakes eyes. I wonder if they can have them as well??