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Amels, Anerys, Tesseras, Normals

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I have a number of babies from my redfactor breedings that are available and ready to go. They have eaten a minimal of three meals of f/t mice and are ready to go. Many of them are already showing a great amount of red. All prices exclude shipping. Now offering low flat rate shipping fee of $45. I am FedEx certified to ship.

Due to the fact that here in AZ we are getting some storms to cool us off a bit, I think it is the perfect time to have 20% off sale.

1.1 Anery het amel, caramel ph charcoal - $30, $45 pair ($24, $36 pair)
1.1 Amel het caramel ph anery and charcoal - $30, $45 pair ($24, $36 pair)
(You can mix and match this snakes. For example you can get a male anery with a female amel for the pair price)

1.1 Tessera ph amel, anery, diffused, stripe - $125, will toss in normal pattern snake for free ($100)
1.0 Amel ph anery, diffused, stripe - $30, $40 paired with a female below ($24, $32 with female below)
1.2 Normal ph amel, anery, diffused, stripe - $20, $30 pair ($16, $24 pair)

I have a couple picky normal girls that will eat one time and then the next time they will only eat left overnight in the dark. If anyone is interested in them I would be happy to toss them in with any purchase.

More or individual pictures are available upon request. You can view each snake in their thread in my forum.

First group - http://www.cornsnakes.com/forums/showthread.php?t=131514
Second group - http://www.cornsnakes.com/forums/showthread.php?t=131625


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I am hopeless with remembering what each color is. If you would be so kind to point out the 1.0 Amel ph amel, anery, diffused, stripe and the female he is paired with and the 1.3 Normal ph amel, anery, diffused, stripe please. If the amel, anery, diffused and stripe are all different ones, please just the stripe and diffused? Thank you so much!
This is the male amel ph anery, diffused, stripe. You can ignore the info in red. The only way that means anything to you is if you have plans to breed them. If you do then those are the genes the parents carry so these kids have a chance of getting those genes.

These are the little normal girls that he can be paired with. You would have your choice between these girls.


Christen, your normals look wonderful!

Thank you! They are beautiful and most of them appear to have red factor. I would hold them back and watch them color up some more if I had the space but sadly I don't.
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christens babies are gorgeous little things. still thinking about the 1.0 tessera, it's a great price!!
christens babies are gorgeous little things. still thinking about the 1.0 tessera, it's a great price!!

Cody, he was the best tess in the bunch IMO. I am just sayin. :nyah:


Love his line all the way down his side pattern.

Look at the snake not the half taken off nail polish.

I should also point out that weather is beautiful here today. So if you place your order today you can have your babies tomorrow.
i hate you lady. let me see how much money i make tonight and if i can pick up a shift tomorrow night. lets for generous tippers!
Bumping ad for a "Storms in AZ Sale" (sale price listed in red). I know we get excited about little things but since we have been so hot for so long it is nice to have just a few days under a 100. Heck just being under 110 is going to be nice.

Updated totals and have added a kinked tess and picky eaters for anyone who maybe interested.

Edit to add: The butter x Redfactor kids are shedding and the Tessera x Redfactor kids are getting ready to head into a shed cycle. They are growing so fast.
I love Tesseras, I live in Phoenix, so there wouldn't be any shipping, can I take the kinked baby girl of your hands?? :)
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