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anery het pewter


Vet nurse in training!
Ok so most of you will know that I'm getting my new snake soon (wedensday!!) :D I have tried to find out a bit more about its genetics but have come up with nothing. I know that it will have the basic anery genotype but how would you write it's full genetic make up so that I can go figure out what I'd get if I breed it??
Anery het Pewter (Charcoal, Bloodred)...

If the Anery locus is A, Bloodred is B, and Charcoal is C, your snake would be 'aaBbCc', where a, b, and c represent the recessive traits, and B and C are the wildtype 'normal' genes. Therefore, if you breed your snake with anerys, charcoals, bloodreds, or any morph containing any combination of those three traits, you'll hatch out atleast some non-normals.

That help?

Yup, cheers Kat! That helps, I'm planning on getting a bloodred female to breed him with. I wasn't sure how to represent everything (and was just getting it all in a mess, must be a blonde thing :rolleyes: )

Rach x