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Any other MineCrafters?

Yep. It's more addictive than Warcraft ever was. :p

I'm building a train network on a friend's server to connect up a bunch of locations. Taking forever. I've also got a villain's lair in the works and I'm starting construction of a shaolin temple.

Minecraft is basically like playing with Lego except there's adventuring and exploring and fighting monsters included. :)
I'm building a train network on a friend's server to connect up a bunch of locations. Taking forever. I've also got a villain's lair in the works and I'm starting construction of a shaolin temple.

Nice good luck with that.
What version do you play on?
Blech, who wants to play an under graphical designed game when most of us have a 500 dollar computer (or at least people who play PC games) with a decent video card to play almost any game they wanted.

I just don' understand that.

What was it that actually lead you to downloading and trying the game in the first place?
Blech, who wants to play an under graphical designed game when most of us have a 500 dollar computer (or at least people who play PC games) with a decent video card to play almost any game they wanted.

I just don' understand that.

Most best-selling or most-played games aren't the ones with high end graphics. Take WoW for example; highly addictive with a huge subscriber base - very low end graphics. Minecraft is about the gameplay and not the look, although it can almost be categorized as it's own "art" style now.

I do not play minecraft btw lol :p
Most best-selling or most-played games aren't the ones with high end graphics. Take WoW for example; highly addictive with a huge subscriber base - very low end graphics. Minecraft is about the gameplay and not the look, although it can almost be categorized as it's own "art" style now.

I do not play minecraft btw lol :p

Whoa there Putty, when WoW DID come out it WAS very heavy in the graphics area as all MMO's (worth of quality are). And I am sorry to say but bad graphics isn't exactly a selling point in the gaming industry. The number one thing to be said about a PC game is GRAPHICS. And if graphics are not displayed on the box in the store, people will look at it as poorly put together game and thus the mechanics of it will also be bad.

This is my reasoning behind the question of why anyone plays this game. It goes against what people look for in game. Also, there is a huge base of MMO players that don't play WoW due to it's "cartoony feel" of graphics.
I started with EQ loooong ago, switched to EQ about 5 years ago.. still play but only casually.. any other EQ geeks out there?
Dude, what the heck(12600 not Putty). I was simply asking if anybody else played a game I alone with 4,007,764(as o 7:40 p.m) enjoy playing. And did you know the reason that there are 8-bit blocks for a reason, and that is that if you went 820 hour of strait that is the only way you would be able see the end of the mine craft world.Now tell me another game that is like that?

I also mean that there is no reason for you to just stroll onto my thread and disrespect me by just spouting random obnoxious stuff when I bet you haven't even played the game enough to enjoy it. Now I may be 12 and so you might for whatever reason think that you are of a high enough level above me that makes you think you can say this but why?

Now please get off MY thread thank you, bye:)
You know what that looks like a fun game, not sure if it's for me looks more like a game my friend would play.
Whoa there Putty, when WoW DID come out it WAS very heavy in the graphics area as all MMO's (worth of quality are). And I am sorry to say but bad graphics isn't exactly a selling point in the gaming industry. The number one thing to be said about a PC game is GRAPHICS. And if graphics are not displayed on the box in the store, people will look at it as poorly put together game and thus the mechanics of it will also be bad.

This is my reasoning behind the question of why anyone plays this game. It goes against what people look for in game. Also, there is a huge base of MMO players that don't play WoW due to it's "cartoony feel" of graphics.

When it did. As it stands right now it's very outdated. It's all about free to play games and microtransactions now if you aren't developing a block-buster title. I'm not defending the lack of graphics at all. It just caters to a different audience with lower-end PCs.
Yes I do and Seananners sent me to it. And 12600 I have played many mmorpgs with amazing graphic's and I can tell you right now Minecraft beat most of them. Graphics are a good selling point but are not everything. I could care less how a game looks (played guildwars since I was 12 and if not for my internet I still would) not the best graphics but was the number 1 mmorpg for a long time.
Dude, what the heck(12600 not Putty). I was simply asking if anybody else played a game I alone with 4,007,764(as o 7:40 p.m) enjoy playing. And did you know the reason that there are 8-bit blocks for a reason, and that is that if you went 820 hour of strait that is the only way you would be able see the end of the mine craft world.Now tell me another game that is like that?

I also mean that there is no reason for you to just stroll onto my thread and disrespect me by just spouting random obnoxious stuff when I bet you haven't even played the game enough to enjoy it. Now I may be 12 and so you might for whatever reason think that you are of a high enough level above me that makes you think you can say this but why?

Now please get off MY thread thank you, bye:)

Ok, first off, I want to start out by saying I didn't dispect anyone. Sorry if my tone came out that way. I just simply expressing my dislike for the game and why. Also was wondering what led the people here that do play it to play it and what kept them going back and playing it.

4,007,764 is just a number, doesn't mean the 4,007,764 people ACTIVELY play the game. Lets take WoW for instance. How many account from China were there just mining gold to sell to people? It was a lot, probably half the subscribers if not more.

Second of all just because you started the thread does not give you ownership. It just simply states you started it. You simply opened a discussion on Minecraft.
Second of all just because you started the thread does not give you ownership. It just simply states you started it. You simply opened a discussion on Minecraft.

Um no He asked who played it. That in no way opened a discussion about it. If you want to know why Myself (and maybe some others) play it, pm me or start a thread and I will be more than happy to tell you in the nicest way I can.

On a related note to anyone that comes to this thread, Play Minecraft its Really good.
Um no He asked who played it. That in no way opened a discussion about it. If you want to know why Myself (and maybe some others) play it, pm me or start a thread and I will be more than happy to tell you in the nicest way I can.

On a related note to anyone that comes to this thread, Play Minecraft its Really good.

They didn't just start the thread to find out if anyone else plays and just leave it at that. That's like going to Mc Donalds and just getting a Soda and nothing to eat.

When you start a thread such as this there's no way it just going to be left at "ya i play it." "No, saw the cover for it and never played it." "No I don't have the time for games." <----threads just simply don't end up that way and that what makes forums so great, the discussions. There's bound to be reasons discussed on why to play it and how good it is. Because after so many people have chimmed in and said "Ya I play", someone is bound to also state what they like about it and then people will talk about their opinions on the particular subject.