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New member
I have a tendency to be direct and judgemental. This is a great site and I created a thread based on reading a handful of threads/posts.

Welcome aboard, and thanks, Saji. To be honest, I suspected you were just here to stir up trouble and troll, and I'm glad to see you are not. We are a close community here, and very tolerant. I count many people on this forum among my friends, and many of us have met in person and talk outside of the message board. A lot of us here have kept reptiles for as long as you have been alive, so might take umbrage at someone new coming in and declaring that their way is the only way. My biggest reservation for your posting style is statements like "Use spell check," "I didn't read the whole post," and "Don't feed inside the cage. Feed separate." The first example is just rude, the second is an example of a post you shouldn't even opine on, and the third is a matter of opinion, not fact. I think you would ingratiate yourself into the community better explaining why you do things a certain way and having a dialogue about it rather than speaking in admonishing tones. Slow down and get to know folks. I think you'll find some neat people (with some neat animals) who are happy to help anyone who will listen. Hope you enjoy your stay.
I just have a very, let's say unique personality. Most people are black and white concerning me (either hate or love). I don't know what trolling is but it was not my intention. I meant no disrespect. My tendency towards ADD crept up on me. As for how long you have been keeping any type of animal. I completely disagree with time equals competency. My father has bred HOTS for thirty years and still learns more from the cat who's been keeping them for five. He calls them progressive I call them non-complacent.

I also next to nothing about Corn Snakes. My comments were more rapid fire, impatient, rude. "If you knew me" is to cliché. I will stick around though.

Not gonna lie, thought you were just trollin at first too. The worlds most laconic troll was my initial impression. Glad to hear you're not, I'll keep that in mind when I read your comments, questions, opinions, etc. from now on. Welcome to the most awesome corn snake community in the entire universe.
I do hope you are on the board for your corn snake's sake, this is a great community that will help you but the negativity you have put out thus far is uncalled for.

If you are here for legitimate reasons, welcome.
My tendency towards ADD crept up on me.

I would just like to say, as someone with severe ADHD, this is absolutely no excuse for being harsh or judgmental or snide. ADD and ADHD don't do that. They can lead to a bit of tactlessness, of which I definitely have my fair share, but that's what's amazing about being online. You can read over, carefully, everything that you've written and make sure it's how you *actually* want it, rather than just what comes out your mouth.
I would just like to say, as someone with severe ADHD, this is absolutely no excuse for being harsh or judgmental or snide. ADD and ADHD don't do that. They can lead to a bit of tactlessness, of which I definitely have my fair share, but that's what's amazing about being online. You can read over, carefully, everything that you've written and make sure it's how you *actually* want it, rather than just what comes out your mouth.

Never knew you had ADD/ ADHD.
Tho I have seen two or more here stated they have it and "played" on it.
Lenny, I've just never seen it as something to really bandy about. All it does is make it hard to keep track of verbal directions (I have a notebook as a supplementary brain), cause me brain fatigue with regards to lots of concentrating, and I have to fight the distraction/impulsiveness. It certainly isn't an excuse for rude behaviour online as that is not what ADHD does. I can be accidentally tactless, but I often realise this later and apologise.
Megan, you are a sweetheart, I have never felt any of your posts as harsh or rude. I, like you, can be very direct in my posts, but it is never out of meanness, it is meant to get my point across if the poster just isn't getting it.
Oh, and Megan, I am like you. I have those olde-tyme black and white Composition books and I fill them up with notes and thoughts and they have come in handy MANY times in later dates! I don't want to admit I am old, just very thought-full!
Please refrain from commenting ridiculous , outta the blue comments on my forum , I'm trying to seek advice and I'm truly not a fan of some one telling me to spell check my posts
I would just like to say, as someone with severe ADHD, this is absolutely no excuse for being harsh or judgmental or snide. ADD and ADHD don't do that. They can lead to a bit of tactlessness, of which I definitely have my fair share, but that's what's amazing about being online. You can read over, carefully, everything that you've written and make sure it's how you *actually* want it, rather than just what comes out your mouth.

Im in absolute agreement , this is not an excuse for anyones actions
Please refrain from commenting ridiculous , outta the blue comments on my forum , I'm trying to seek advice and I'm truly not a fan of some one telling me to spell check my posts

(Psssttt... let the moderators handle the moderating! They can get grumpy if you do their job for them!!!) :uhoh: