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Back Into Corns

The key to successfully hatching eggs is to pretend that you don't care if they hatch or not. The ones you don't care about always hatch, the ones you fret over always seem to have some problem before hatching. Murphy's reptile law.

Isn't that the truth? Truly!!!


So second season, 1 clutch of 14 eggs cooking in the incubator, she originally laid 16 eggs on 6 November. A secong female, the one who laid last year, is gravid. Pic attached of Clutch 1.

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Looks like one of the eggs might actually be a slug.
Yeah, must be that new "military" morph....... :laugh:
Takes a lot of training to get her to do that. Sadly only 4 of those eggs hatched. The others were all DIE. I am making a new post on the 2019 breeding.

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