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Ball python in need...


Snake enthusiast
Ok im makig this quick because im on my phone. I am facing a moral dilema. I work at a pet store and there is a ball python that has been there for about a year. He has now, and has had, a severe respiratory infection. He has had mites also. He JUST started eating again after a nine month fast. I need someone in the new england area to house him. I can pay for all vet bills, food, housing etc. But I do not have the space for him. I've spent so much time doing everything I can for this snake and I cannot stand the thought of him getting sold to some idiot who wont take care of him well, which I KNOW will happen. He NEEDS a vet, but the owner refuses, even if I pay for every penny. I just need someone to house him in an arrea away from their snakes (quarentine). I may or may not need you to take him forever. I just have a lot emotionally invested in this guy and I want the best for him.
I'm sorry I cant take him off your hands, but I wish you and the little guy the best of luck, and I hope you can find him a home.
Ok, so here is a more coherent first post that explains things a bit more:

Ok, so I am facing a moral dilema. I work at a pet store and there is this normal ball python that has been there for about a year, the WHOLE time it has suffered from a reoccurring respiratory infection, has had mites two or three times, frequent bouts of dehydration and bad sheds, and fasted for 9 months. I have invested a lot in this snake emotionally and have worked my hardest trying to nurse him back to health.

I have offered to pay in full the vet bills for this snake, but the owner of the store still says no vet trip. It NEEDS a vet trip. I cannot fit another animal into this apartment, period. If I could I'd have taken this guy in so long ago. I can, however, pay for vet bills, housing, and food. I've asked around and nobody near me that I know can take it in. So what I need is someone in the New England area who can come and pick him up and house him. You'd DEFINITELY want to quarantine him away from any other reptiles and he DOES need a vet (which I can pay for, providing the bill doesn't get into the 1,000s in which case I'd need some help)

The thing is, this snake came in with another BP who I was not able to save. I was there when he died. It absolutely broke my heart and I don't want it to happen again, I am amazed that this animal has lived as long as it has. It would just kill me if it got sold to some idiot who doesn't know about snakes, or dies at the store. It's not CURRENTLY on the sales floor but HAS been even WITH the respiratory infection, so time is really of the essence.

It is currently only eating (unreliably) small live rats, much to my dismay and despite my best efforts. It is two years old, just about

Pictures of the poor thing:




Awe poor baby!!!! I hope you can find it a new home away from the people who don't care.. Good looking out and best of luck to the little guy..
For starters, get rid of the aspen chips in the cage. Wood chips of any kind create dust, dust creates irritation, irritation exacerbates an upper RI.

Second, don't keep a snake with URI in a cold, wet tub with what appears to be a virtual puddle of water surrounding him, even for a little while. High humidity creates bacterial growth, which exacerbates an upper RI.

Lastly, your boss is required by law to provide optimal levels of care for any animal being housed in their shop, even if it isn't for sale. Refusing to provide medical care for an animal that needs treatment is illegal. Inform your boss of this, and if they still refuse to get this animal proper treatment, contact the Better Business Bureau, and inform them of this illegal business practice.
Just wanted to add that from the photos, this animal doesn't appear skinny, dehydrated or otherwise unhealthy. I realize that pictures can be deceiving, but I would recommend you try to separate yourself from the animal, and have a qualified individual assess it's health without an emotional investment.

Contact a local vet or snake specialist and have them pay the shop a visit. You may be over reacting. You may be right on the money. Your emotional attachment isn't letting you be 100% logical, so an unbiased, unattached assessment would help to clarify the situation for both you and the shop owner...and the snake.
To my untrained eyes, he looks great. But I'm not there, and I can't hear his breathing....

I looked at the guy in water and thought he was there for the humidity it provides, as if it's due for a shed or somesuch. I can't imagine that it lives in the water tub like that for more than a few minutes at a time. But again, I'm on the other side of the country, and I have no idea.

I hope you can find someone to take him in. He's an absolutely adorable snake, with his puppy-dog eyes and his handsome, velvety-looking skin and markings. Even so, I wouldn't be able to take him even if I lived on the east coast, because I won't feed live.

Here's hoping he finds a good home, good care, and a long, healthy life!
If you look closely at the pictures the aspen bedding is not in the snakes enclosure, those are feeder mice below the snake, the bedding is in their cage.

The water was most likely just a soak to help with shedding (since the OP stated this snake has had bad sheds). The OP has shown he cares about this snake greatly and is trying to do right by him. There is no direct evidence that the water he is soaking in is cold...just my .02
In the 4th photo down he almost looks like he is in blue. If you look at his stomach does it have a pinkish tone to it?
Just wanted to add that from the photos, this animal doesn't appear skinny, dehydrated or otherwise unhealthy. I realize that pictures can be deceiving, but I would recommend you try to separate yourself from the animal, and have a qualified individual assess it's health without an emotional investment.

Contact a local vet or snake specialist and have them pay the shop a visit. You may be over reacting. You may be right on the money. Your emotional attachment isn't letting you be 100% logical, so an unbiased, unattached assessment would help to clarify the situation for both you and the shop owner...and the snake.

He was only in the water to soak, he has had several rough sheds since he's been here. The water was always just about lukewarm also. I have witnesses first hand this snake gaping and rasping as he gasps for air, every single day. Wheezing constantly, I have personally wiped glob after glob of mucous from his mouth to clear it. I watched as the other snake brought in with him gasped his dying breaths, I personally disposed of his body. I KNOW he has a respiratory infection.

Since he got moved in the back this time, he has gotten better. More tongue flicking, less gaping but he's STILL wheezing and gaping. Like I said I'm amazed he's still alive. He periodically gapes and takes deep huge breaths. He doesn't blow bubbles anymore like he used to.

angmont1882 is correct, he is not on aspen. He is currently on cypress mulch with a plastic water dish and no hides with a heat lamp set on top of the screen lid of his 20long. Without a thermometer. :/ There is literally nothing else to house him in or alternate way of heating. You can see why I need him to be taken out of that environment.

I don't think he's in blue right now, if he is he isn't too far in. He never eats if he's in blue.

He isn't underweight or anything, but if you hold him you can tell he has poor muscle definition. He does the whole "limp noodle" thing and is very squishy.
Forgot to mention I will be talking with my boss tomorow and requesting that once again the snake be taken to a vet and that I will pay for the expenses.

The thing is, even after he gets better, It would break my heart if he got sold to some shmuck who's gonna throw a live rat in there with him and either walk away and forget about it, or video tape it and put it on youtube while him and his buds laugh at it's suffering. This is the majority of snake owners that come into the store. They usually cohab also, several customers relay to me that they keep boas and pythons and corn snakes together even, and no matter WHAT I say they think it's still alright. These are the type of people coming in every day. I couldn't stand it if he was sold to one of them after all of this.
They wont do a UTH for the heat instead of the lamp? This reminds me of why I could never work in a pet store like that. I'd end up fired. But if it really comes down to it see if there is a local reptile rescue or even the humane society. Theres gotta be a way to make an anonymous tip.
You are a very kind person for caring so much about this snake, and I applaud you for your admirable and compassionate efforts. I'm in Ohio so I can't be much help, but I agree that you should contact the Better Business Bureau. Your employer is obligated to provide veterinary care to any animals on their premises. I hate to think that you would foot the bill when it's not your responsibility!

I understand your dilemma and realize I would be doing the exact same thing. Good luck, girl. I really admire you for your efforts; the world needs more people like you.
Thanks guys. Using an ugh would require taking one off of the shelf, costing money. We have heat lamps in the back for situations like this. I will look into recurs around the area, but id hate it if he got put in a kill shelter.

Laws regardin the treatment of animals in pet stores are usually very lax. I will look up rhode island laws but I don't expect them to be of much help.
The animal welfare act is the only thing I could find on my phone. It specifically excludes reptiles, birds, and most mice and rats.

All I could find for Rhode Island :/ Sadly, it doesn't specifically mention veterinary care. Unfortunately, I'm nowhere near your area, so can't do much other than hope you find a good place for him :) Good luck :)

I found that earlier. I've been looking around, too, and there really doesn't seem to be any sort of state or federal requirements for RI, or a good many other states as well. That's a shame...
I have to wonder though...could it be considered cruelty to animals if a shop owner knowingly allows an animal in his care to unnecessarily suffer due to obvious illness? Seems that there should be a course to follow on that route. Certainly cruelty laws would apply if the animal were a canine or feline...wouldn't they?