Still as beautiful as ever!
Are you planning on breeding hotots?? I hate to sound like I'm preaching- but there are lots and lots of rabbits in the shelter that need homes. I just rescued one last week from being put to sleep.
That is seriously the cutest rabbit in the history of ever.
Just once. My friend has a dwarf lop-eared female (not a hotot), and she wants to borrow Basil as a stud.
I'm sure there are lots of animals that need homes, not only in shelters and not only rabbits (This includes corn snakes, but people still breed them.), and I'd rescue them all if I could. Nevertheless, Basil is going to be a daddy.
Thank you! ^_^
He just has to wait until this fall when we're pairing him with Mellow, the lop. Then, he can get long as I have the money.
Awww, adorable! I've always wanted a bunny, and after extensive research when I was in 4-H back in highschool I had settled on getting a Dwarf Hotot one day. I know the ears and the spot on the butt are faults, but to me that makes this guy even better. I really like how he turned out as an adult. VERY cute.
If you don't mind me asking you all (I hope I'm not hi-jacking.. the questions are technically relevant. Let me know if you'd like me to delete this and post elsewhere): Are rabbits really litter-trainable? Which ones are nicer and/or easier to train, males or females?