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Been a LONG time...


Start Wearing Purple
Well, it's been a very rough few years. After spending the last 2.5 years without any animals (except Kiya, my Chihuahua partner in crime) I've finally gotten some stability in my living situation and have acquired some reptiles again. It's good to be back here.

So... what did I miss? :rolleyes:
Yeah, I've been trying to catch up... but what's buf? :confused:

And Corns ain't got nothing on all the stuff going on with House Snakes... just in the last 6 months. :nope:
Ummm... Nanci... was telling me to check out Buf some sort of welcome back prank?
I just spent a couple mind numbing hours reading a VERY heated thread about a possible new morph that looks an awful lot like the Rootbeers I hatched in '05.

Before anybody jumps on me, I'm not saying buf is a hybrid. Don't wanna set that topic on fire in my first thread back. I'll wait at least a couple of days. :sidestep:
I think, with Buf, there was a huge language barrier. It's become a lot more clear, now. But at the time- whoa!!

Kastanie is also pretty new, but easier to understand.

Tessera is a cool gene- pretty simple.

Terrazzo? You must remember that.

Masque- pretty straight forward.

Strawberry- pretty straight forward.

There's a new gene that popped up in Africa- can't think of the name- "mocha" is what is coming to mind but I don't think it's that...It's a food word, though.

Then there are a ton of new double and triple and quadruple combinations of "old" genes, of course. Sunkissed cinder. Powder (amel, anery, hypo, charcoal).

In the last several years Chuck Pritzel has worked hard on comparing different morphs by looking at individual scales under a microscope, so it is possible to ID a gene by characteristics that may be seen microscopically that are not apparent to the naked eye. That's pretty interesting.
I've been checking out all the new stuff. It's kinda fun having stepped away and now seeing a bunch of new stuff.
All of the sunkissed combos were easy to identify cause of the head pattern so I picked up on those.
Now I'm just putting my newly found self control to the real test by not buying every snake I want... and frogs... and lizards... and mammals... and inverts... and... I need to step away for a minute. :sidestep:
Nice to meet you :) I have only been involved with corns a couple of years and watching the new info fly has been fun to say the least. Gotta love this site though, all the info in the old posts, new info, new people, and new friends! Glad you came back.
Nice to meet you :) I have only been involved with corns a couple of years and watching the new info fly has been fun to say the least. Gotta love this site though, all the info in the old posts, new info, new people, and new friends! Glad you came back.

Nice to meet you too. And thanks.
I agree, this site is a great resource and it's a lot of fun keeping up with all of the newest developments. :)

Nanci said:
Trevor- did you know Rich Z retired a couple years ago??

Wow, no, I didn't know that. Good for him. I hope he is enjoying it. :)
Dr. Mohr now has a PhD in Herpetology and has accepted a teaching position in Georgia, so is selling off his cornsnake collection.

Joe Jr. is also out of snakes, since before Dean even, but pokes his head in here every once in a while.
Yeah, I was pokin' around and seein' who was still "in the game."
I hope Joe and Dean come around every once in a while.
I wish I had more money and less self control... I'd buy all of Jeff's snakes. Especially those splendida projects!!!