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Boas/Pythons are to cornsnakes as pit bulls are to Golden Retrievers/labs

Lavman breeder

New member
Just a thought... You could also say...

Corn snake owners are to boa python owners AS golden retriever owners are to pitbull owners.

Obviously this is not a true statement in all cases, but do any of you think as a rough generality this may be true? Hope I don't get too much hate from this post. Not trying to push buttons, just generate a discussion. I don't even necessarily believe this, just an idea that popped into my head.

I don't agree. ~I~ own a python (OK a BP). Also, although pitties have a bad reputation because of bad people who own them & fight them or use them as home defense tools, pittie owners are remarkably variable & the pittie owners I know are good owners who keep their dogs safe & keep other dogs safe from their dogs. The larger constrictors, like BCI & retics etc seem to attract some people who like the "macho" aura of owning a big constrictor, but they also attract people who are not like that at all. The few people I have known who own the really large constrictors are very careful owners who provide great care for their snakes & ensure the safety of the snake, the neighbors, etc, etc.
I don't have anything against boas, pythons, or pit bulls, but I do see a similarity in that these can be dangerous animals in the hands of an uneducated, irresponsible, or abusive owner.
But this can be said of anything really. Any mistreated pet can be dangerous (but the difference between a hateful python/pit and a hateful corn is the difference between a pistol and a water gun).
On the other hand, there are great, educated, animal-loving owners that give these pets healthy lives. Kudos to them!
Just a thought... You could also say...

Corn snake owners are to boa python owners AS golden retriever owners are to pitbull owners.


Did you mean Boa AND Python owners? As a keeper of Boas, Balls and one Corn snake I'll tend to disagree with the above statement. Actually, I'm so screwed up, I have a Labrador, a Pitt x Boxer, a Standard Poodle and a Chiweenie....what does that say about me?

Dancing to my own beat.....
I'm sorry, but that statement is beyond a little ridiculous! I don't even know where to START! I am the owner of 4 boas, a RETIC, AND have owned pit bulls!

Perhaps when I'm done cooling off, I'll make a more in-depth statement.
I think I know where he's going with this. Mainstream beloved pets versus the Evil ones.

Except I have cornsnakes and a pitbull. Many good, one scurge of society.
Okay... going to have to say I agree with most of the above commenters.

Some of us possess a certain drive with our animals that I can't properly describe.
I got into corns, and I still like them, but they are not big enough. I am heavily into boas and they reach a fairly large size, and yet they are not challenging enough. I had a retic offered to me for free, she is a challenge and a delight to own.

Same goes with dogs. I love most breeds, but there is something in a pit bulls drive and willingness to go that extra mile in whatever life throws at them. In that aspect, I am the same as those dogs. I currently own a siberian husky... a challenging breed.

That being said pit bulls and large constrictors are best left to those who want to go the extra mile to care for them. Sadly, the majority are not in those hands.
Ha ha. I figured my post would get some animosity. I also like Boas and Pythons although I have never owned. I have really good friends that own boas and pythons as well. On the flip side of that I have noticed a small, I guess you could say correlation between the type of people that own pitbulls and pythons/boas. I worked at a petstore for many years and noticed that many people that purchased pythons/boas were more of the "white trash" for lack of better words group. The same went for pit bull owners. Most of the corn snake owners were clean cut and had a different look to them.

Again, I believe there are many wonderful educated, great people that own boas, pythons and pit bulls, However I have noticed little bit of a theme in the type of people that are really into boas/pythons as opposed to mainly corns. I also think if there are some that agree with this really broad generalization, they probably won't post there agreement based on how others will respond. I could be wrong as I often am:) And please don't be offended, this is the internet.
I think it's an overgeneralization, but yeah, there is a demographic that is attracted to big snakes and big dogs for the wrong reasons. What I was getting at is that:

1) some people who look like they fit that demographic really don't (I know a number of professionals who own Harleys & pit bulls & look like white trash on the weekend but don't act like it at all)
2) many people who own big snakes or big dogs don't fit at all (the first owner of a large snake I ever knew was a middle class gal with an albino retic & she owned a pit bull mix too but always looked & acted solidly middle class & had the job to prove it)

So we shouldn't draw too many conclusions from what people look like or what kind of pets they own. We should draw our conclusions from their behavior and how well they care for their pets.

Edit: I like big challenging dogs. I obedience trained an Arctic (Sammy) with not great success but had fun doing it, and even more fun out-thinking this smart, self-willed dog. I could see enjoying being a Pitty owner if I had the time for a dog at all, which right now I don't. I could see enjoying having one of the giant snakes if I had the right housing circumstances to be sure I could provide a forever home to the snake. I don't have those circumstances now, but I won't say I never will, and I'd be perfectly happy to set aside an entire room as a vivarium. Tile the floor so the massive poops wipe up easily, put in a bathtub as a soaking tub, sounds workable to me.
I own boids, pythons, corns and other colubrids.

I look like a librarian.
I work in website design.

I don't think stereotypes say anything about anyone EXCEPT the person using them.
Ha ha. I figured my post would get some animosity. I also like Boas and Pythons although I have never owned. I have really good friends that own boas and pythons as well. On the flip side of that I have noticed a small, I guess you could say correlation between the type of people that own pitbulls and pythons/boas. I worked at a petstore for many years and noticed that many people that purchased pythons/boas were more of the "white trash" for lack of better words group. The same went for pit bull owners. Most of the corn snake owners were clean cut and had a different look to them.

You don't want us to be offended, but then post something like THAT. REALLY now. I own several boas, and a couple different pythons. I also have many other colubrids.
Using your ability to generalize, I suppose that, by saying I work at a Disney resort, I can say that the only people that enjoy Disney are rather privileged families. :shrugs: Are you saying I'm wrong? HOW? Oh, that's right. Working at one resort, I only see a small percentage of people throughout the Disney empire, considering there's several other resorts just in Florida, as well as California, Paris, Hong Kong, and Tokyo. Not to mention people that enjoy Disney through their movies or merchandise. So by saying that you're experience at one pet store can spawn this generalization, you're discounting the hundreds and thousands of boa/python owners that have never visited or even heard of your pet store and, for all intents and purposes, saying they don't matter.
I would have to disagree as well.

I own corns, rats, gophers, kings, bulls, a few pythons, and a small collection of boas AND I own two the of greatest dogs in the world...Sadie Lee and Zeus! Both are pure American Pitbull Terriers and I would never change that.

In fact, my male, Zeus is snake broke! He is soo afraid of snakes.

You would be amazed at the different "types" of people that have snakes! And there are plenty of non "white trash" people out there that have boas and pythons as well as pitbulls. I am not fighting but I was offended.
Why be offended? I'm throwing out an idea. You are the one that chooses to be offended or not. I have nothing against guys with long hair, beards, tatooes, etc. In fact, I'd much prefer hanging out with a laid back biker than a snobbish white collar. I don't think people are understanding the point I'm trying to present. I've never been that good at explaining what I feel so it is my fault. PJ@PJCReptiles, would you mind posting a picture of yourself? lol j/k.
Why be offended? I'm throwing out an idea. You are the one that chooses to be offended or not. I have nothing against guys with long hair, beards, tatooes, etc. In fact, I'd much prefer hanging out with a laid back biker than a snobbish white collar. I don't think people are understanding the point I'm trying to present. I've never been that good at explaining what I feel so it is my fault. PJ@PJCReptiles, would you mind posting a picture of yourself? lol j/k.

Throwing out an idea you know could be offensive sounds an awful lot like trolling to me.
But no offense meant. It's just an opinion. :shrugs:
Why be offended? I'm throwing out an idea. You are the one that chooses to be offended or not. I have nothing against guys with long hair, beards, tatooes, etc. In fact, I'd much prefer hanging out with a laid back biker than a snobbish white collar. I don't think people are understanding the point I'm trying to present. I've never been that good at explaining what I feel so it is my fault. PJ@PJCReptiles, would you mind posting a picture of yourself? lol j/k.

Mike, I have FB page if you want to see who I am...LOL As well as my dogs and snakes and kids and my biker husband! Want to see me with or without the boa? LOL :roflmao:

What seemed to offend me was the term "white trash" you chose to use. I know you did not want to start any fights but you did think that this would upset someone along the way. I understood your comparison but not how you were explaining it. I just wanted you to know that us snake people as a whole are quite diverse! You would be surprised if you search "pitbulls" on CS.com, there are many of us who own pitbulls as well as other extreme breeds.

I think it best we just let this go and move forward...tons of wonderful morphs are starting to pip and June looks like a pipping month for us!

P.S. I did try to upload me on the Harley but it wont go.

All in good fun at this point! Peace Mike!


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Thoughts from a person who obviously has NO or VERY LITTLE experience with BOAS OR PYTHONS.

Josh, keep in mind that not ALL pythons and boas are BIG. Kenyan Sand Boas are compariablly tiny! A spotted python is smaller than a ball python. I find it easier to care for the pythons and boas than the other snakes.

What are your thoughts Josh...from what you have seen??

How about Nanci? Or Betsy?
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Josh, keep in mind that not ALL pythons and boas are BIG. Kenyan Sand Boas are compariablly tiny! A spotted python is smaller than a ball python. I find it easier to care for the pythons and boas than the other snakes.

What are your thoughts Josh...from what you have seen??

How about Nanic? Or Betsy?

Oh my...that was meant for the OP not you :)