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Bulge on big female


Straight from The Jungle!
I bought some corns from a person i got to know a couple of months ago. He is starting his own buissnes so he doesnt have time to care for the snakes.

The corns i bought included this huge 5+ foot anery female (He didnt know what she was but my guess is anery a, what do you think?):


After a couple of days with no handeling i wanted to take a close look at her, and noticed that the last 9-11 inches before the tale is swelled. It feels very soft and fatty, and there is 2 spots where there is actualy bulges:



What do you think it is?

Im sorry for tha bad pictures but its night here so i was lacking proper light. But i wanted quick photos to get some help fast!

As i was taking pictures she took a dump on the floor, and i noticed some red urine:


I gave he a warm bath for 5 mins. and then let her into her cage.

This looks bad i think! If it isnt, then ill keep her. But im getting her back to her last owner if its realy bad. Its up to you guys so please let me know if you have had experience with this before!

:shrugs: :shrugs: :shrugs: :shrugs:
She might be gravid, some eggs starting to come maybe. That is one of the biggest corns I have ever seen. Could she be gravid do you feel eggs in her?
Yesterday it was like i could feel some eggs yes, but not at the photoshoot.. hmm
Is that a mouse in her poo? :eek1: I mean like a whole one? I think she's either seriously gravid (theoretically possible) or seriously overweight. How much does that girl weigh?

I dont know her eating habbits - understandable - but i fed her a smat rat some days ago..

No one else with an opinion?
I'd take her to a herp vet. If that's blood in the feces, I'd want to have her checked out. She's a big 'un. If she checks out ok, a diet is definitely in order.
To me it looks like the "hips" present in some females who were never bred and have been somewhat overfed. Its my understanding that in such cases, the lumps are merely fatty deposits, and don't constitute any health risk.

However, the poo doesn't look normal. It does look like a whole rodent, or at least a portion of one. I've seen such poos from snakes that were kept at too high or too low of temps. The too high of a temp can cause the food to begin to spoil, and they will eliminate it much quicker without it being properly digested. And the same is true for too low of temps, their body is subject to the temp and isn't as actively digesting as it would be normally, so the food begins to spoil. Although at too low of temps I usually see regurges and not poops, but not to say that it can't happen.

Based on the sheer size of that snake, wow, I would implement a once every 10-14 days feeding regimine, to get her to a more optimum size. And take her out and let her exercise a few times a week. All of my adults are kept happily on an every 14 day feeding cycle for the males, and an every 10 day cycle for the females. They seem to do quite well, in bulking up and maintaining their weights without becoming what I would think of as an obese snake.

Plus if you have the funds available, I'd take her to the vet and get a fecal sample analyzed to make sure that everything is A-OK internally. Fecals don't cost much, and just about any vet can do them. Bugs are bugs are bugs.

Let us know how she does. =)

A few searches on the forum for "hips" turned up the following results:

Link 1

Link 2
I know that her last owner didnt care for hes snakes properly - Max 80 degrees in all his cages!
So ill wait some time and see if her "drops" hardens up a bit.
I didnt think of it as "hips" wich is why i didnt search for it.. I made searches on other words but didt find anything..
Thank you guys! :D Ill keep you updated on her status.