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Buying Corns online?


New member
Pardon me if this doesn't belong in this thread. <:|
Anyway, I've been casually browsing various breeder's websites for any good end of the year deals and found one that kind of caught my interest. Anybody heard anything about/purchased snakes from South Mountain Reptiles (.com)? They have a buy one get one free deal going on, and reasonable shipping, but I just wanted to confirm that buying a specimen from out of state is a yay or nay. I personally am not too keen on having an animal shipped across the country, but if it's usually done with success (ex, the animal arriving alive and healthy) than I suppose there isn't much to worry about save for the initial shock the snake will probably feel, especially from travelling such a distance out of it's comfort zone.

I'm also open to any other website suggestions! I'm currently looking for a male Butter, preferably under 50$. I'm also mildly interested in Fluorescent, Gold dust, Extreme Okeetee, or an Amel motely. If anybody knows of someone who is selling a Butter or any I've listed, I'd be more than happy to get some details. c: Depending on the price (mainly for shipping) I may or may not be getting another before the year's out, but certainly sometime in 2012 for sure. Thank you in advance to anyone who can help me out with some input!
Before you buy anything from anyone search for them on here first. http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=13 I think you would be very happy with South Mountains snakes but it is a great resource for you to look someone up before purchasing.

As far as buying online. I prefer it. Usually a higher quality animal for same price or cheaper as a pet store plus less likely of an impulse buy. Not saying that doesn't happen. Believe me it can so be careful as you start you new addiction.

Don Soderberg at South Mountain Reptiles is one of the best in the business! You should have ZERO problems with his cornsnakes! He also has a low $35.00 shipping charge and a GREAT collection of cornsnakes. I have many of his cornsnakes in my collection.

Good Luck!:dancer:

Righteous, thanks guys! :) I found his profile on that thread and am pretty convinced that SMR is a great place to try my first online order~
I've had a baby corn shipped to me from WV and I'm all the way out here in CO, she arrived super healthy and alert and is still super healthy, happy, and alert :) Shipping reptiles is a lot easier than you'd think!
Don has a great reputation and is always very helpful to anyone who asks. I don't think I ever heard anyone say a bad word about him. But as mentioned, you should always check the BOI no matter who you buy from.

Also, I don't know how close you are to Minneapolis, but they have a VERY active, large herp society there. They have even paid my way up just to speak there about corns! So you might want to join, or even just to check out their herp adoption program, or members who may also be good breeders whom you could meet in person.
Also, just a thought. Depending on where you are and if your ok to travel abit. I know Russell Keyes is in SD and has some Really bright butters. I have a couple from him and the yellow on them couldnt be more glowing! :) He is a member here so you could always shoot him a PM and see what he may have left for this year. :) He may even be able to meet you some place along the way because I know he comes this way once in awhile since his parents live close to me :D Also, too, he may have or know who has the others you are interested in. He is great ppl! :)
One of my very favorite snakes came from Don! (Gartersnake, the tessera). Don is a SUPER nice guy- I can't speak highly enough of him.

I have ~75 snakes here. Of those, 11 were not shipped. (Not counting babies I hatched- subtract 16). Eight were purchased at the Daytona reptile show. One was a gift from a local friend. One is a local breeding loan, and one was purchased from a local breeder.

So that's 48 snakes left that all got on a plane and flew here and NONE of them had any problems. Everyone arrived the day they were supposed to. Fred flew in for a breeding loan, flew home, and flew back all in less than a year! I've had two shipments get delayed in Memphis for a few hours but still be available for pick up before noon.

If the person shipping the snake follows some pretty simple steps, and is experienced (or gets help from someone who _is_) in choice of temperature control methods, packs the animal carefully, drops off late in the day and ships hold at location so you go pick the snake up from FedEx where it is waiting for you safely and at office temperature there is VERY little risk. And most breeders guarantee live delivery if you follow the pick-up instructions. Even if a snake is delayed one day nearly every time things work out just fine.

I walked a couple nervous people through their first on-line purchase and shipment last season and they lived through it and have both gone on to purchase _more_ snakes by that method now that they are comfortable.

Two things I would recommend. Trust the breeder when they won't ship because of weather conditions- don't push them. And if weather is bad at your end, don't let yourself be pushed into accepting a snake if you (having checked with another very experienced shipper) feel like the snake is in danger. And make sure you and the shipper are aware of what the weather is doing in Memphis- that's the big hub, and that's where a snake can be delayed by bad weather when people are only thinking about the origin and the destination.

And check the BOI ALWAYS!!!!!
A South Mountain corn would definitely be a good start. Also as Kathy said there's a very active group of reptile lovers in that area, and Russell from SD has some great snakes, and not only corns. :)
Oh my gosh, this is such awesome stuff to hear! :D I live about 45 minutes away from Minneapolis and honestly had no idea there were so many reptile enthusiasts around here, so this is fantastic! Do any of you happen to know if Mr. Keyes has a website by chance?
I understand the OP's feelings. I was very nervous with the idea of having snakes shipped to me. So far I have only had one pair of snakes shipped to me, out of 19 snakes at the house. This pair are two wonderful honeys from South Mountain Reptiles, 2011 hatchlings. I would definitely order from Don again. They arrived in excellent condition. They have eaten every meal I have offered them. The colors and markings are outstanding. (This pair is by far my most expensive snakes so a little extra stress with the transaction.)
It's still stressful for me, but it gets LESS stressful. I think the MOST stressful thing is when I get e-mail notification from FedEx that the package has been picked up and I don't hear from the buyer, for HOURS. I immediately assume that the babies have died during shipment! Ridiculous, I know.

Anyone receiving snakes, PLEASE contact the sender ASAP (in 30 minutes or less!!) after picking them up. Call, e-mail, text- whatever! Please just let them know the snakes arrived safely. I open the box right at FedEx and check on them. And my FedEx ladies are always very interested and concerned for their safety.

How FedEx works is if you sign up for e-mail notification, FedEx sends updates all along the way, including when the package is ready for pick-up and when it has been picked up. So as soon as the package is picked up, I start pacing the floor!
Another idea: I know the herp society up there has foster snakes at their meetings. So maybe you should go to a couple meetings and see what snakes are available for adoption!
I have dealt with Russell a lot over the years. He got some of his original okeetee, candycane, and other stock from me years ago. And I often buy some babies back from him in October at the Tinley Park show in Chicago. They are always very well started and beautiful.

He lives in a small town that does not make it easy for him to ship. But I will pm you his email address (doesn't have a website as far as I know). Then you can see if you can work anything out.

Definitely get together with the herp society if you are only 45 minutes away. Great bunch of people! I think there is a good chance that my hubby Bill will be a speaker there next Oct just before or after the Chicago show, although it is not for sure yet. But I always enjoy interacting with such a large, friendly, and dynamic group of herpers.
http://www..com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=53 This is as close to a website for Russell as you will get at the moment :)

I was miss spoken... its ND not SD LOL sorry but about the same in distance I believe :) You can PM him in either site. He isnt online as much at the moment because its the 'off' season but he does check in and he will always get back to you :)

I live about 45 minutes the other site of the cities so yep, there are a few of us around :D

From Russell, I have gotten not just corns (butters, ghost, silver queens) but also my MBKs and Northern pines. All have been awesome and from him, I can gaurantee they are nice and eat well!
Sweet, I'll have to go to one of the next meetings. I checked out their website and it seems like a great deal. c:
@Cat_Eyed_Lady: That link isn't working on my computer. ; o; And lol SD, ND, doesn't matter to me you're right they're about the same distance.
Yeah, I saw some of the posts to this thread and wondered who this South Dakota guy with almost the same name was...hee hee hee!

Anyhow, joking aside, I don't ship animals as a rule. I'm so far out in the sticks that they tack on on extra fee for it! It just isn't worth all the hassle for me. Most of my stuff gets wholesaled and the rest shows up at Tinley. Cat Eyed Lady is lucky she's in the path of my travel to the show and lives in the same town as my folks who I try to be a good son and stop in and see on my way down...sometimes...

But as already stated, your well within range of people in the Minneapolis area who certainly breed corns. So yes, get in touch with the Minnesota Herp Society and meet some great people!

But another point, is shipping overnight for those who are all set up for that sort of thing is a breeze. Don has only had one issue with me in all the years I worked with him. Only cause he sent me the wrong snake...so he was nice enough to send the next day the correct snake and I got to keep this other one I was sent instead. I wish I would have kept that snake but gave it to my college's live reptile collection instead. Don's a top rate guy to work with.
Hi Russell,

The snakes I got from you in Chicago (that I kept for myself) are doing great!

Too bad you can't ship more easily. But I guess that leaves more for me to choose from every Oct. in Chicago, lol!

I'll talk to you one of these days - probably after you awaken from hibernation up in the Great Frozen North, haha!
Pardon me if this doesn't belong in this thread. <:|
Anyway, I've been casually browsing various breeder's websites for any good end of the year deals ....

I'm currently looking for a male Butter, preferably under 50$. I'm also mildly interested in Fluorescent, Gold dust, Extreme Okeetee, or an Amel motely. If anybody knows of someone who is selling a Butter or any I've listed, I'd be more than happy to get some details. c: Depending on the price (mainly for shipping) I may or may not be getting another before the year's out, but certainly sometime in 2012 for sure. Thank you in advance to anyone who can help me out with some input!

One of my first (ten) corns was a butter, just an average one. After loking around at a lot of different cs breeders sites and at a few shows and doing google image searches for cornsnakes, it's apparent that there is a lot of variation to the color quality , pattern perfection, and other subtle but possibly important variations to the many different individuals.

About 80% or so of the corns here have come from online purchases, the rest from reptile trade shows; 4 or 5 from auctions or rafffles for USARK....
I'm guessing there's around 150 here from other sources, that is, not hatched here.

With regard to 'end of the year deals', they're not cars. Some models have been quite popular for several years. I understand the enthusiasm, but slow down and take a good look around so you get what you really want. I wound up with 10 lavenders my first year ranging from grey on gray snakes to pastel lavender/pinkish individuals. There is a lot of variety. There are $50 butters and $150 butters and a lot of stuff in-between. The challenge of self control never ends. Spending more than a preconceived price has rewarded me with significantly higher satisfaction over the course of time. It's more worth my while to get the right snake for me the first time.