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Can you ID this corn for me?

Lovely Lotus

New member
I don't know much about cornsnakes yet. I have spent most of my time learning about my other snakes, which are 2 BCI's, 2 BP's, and a Brooks King Snake, bur recently, I acquired a corn snake for my stepson!
This is our second try with cornsnakes, as the first one had some issues where you could see a spot that was inside its body, when looking at its belly. Id on't know how to explain it, but it was almost like looking at a blockage that was seethrough on its stomach. We were scared for him, and returned him so that he could have a chance for survival with soemone with more experience with problem feeders.
We got a different, and healthier corn for my son, and this one I am very confused about. I have looked through different types of corns, and cannot figure out what it is? So I figured I would put some pics up, and see what ya'll thought.
The pics are crappy, so let me explain his coloring. Where the pink is on him, is much less visible when in person. Its almost like a silver color with a hint of pink to it, and then the white have a more ivory white look to them.
Anyways, heres the pics!

Pics of other corns might look different to you because yours is a hatchling and they show more pink when young. the white colour comes in later.
it's a cutie :)
Oh thanks! Are those much of a price difference from regular corns? The last one I had was a lavamel I believe, but I love this ones colors more.
And thank you on the compliments! Its name is Eesa. My stepson named it that lol. And how old do they have to be in order to properly sex them?
Im not a corn person lol, I have spent most of my time studying boas lol
Yeah, sorry that was with my phone. I snapped them real quick, because he is still settling in. What classifies them as a motley?
Looks like a snow corn from here :) Snows are amelanistic and anerythristic type A corn snakes, both recessive genes. Throw in the recessive gene for motley and you have a Snow Motley
That looks almost identical to mine! Thats awesome! Ill get better pics here in a few. Im trying to handle it for a minute or two everyday, to atleast let it get used to being handled, since it did come from a petstore. But that looks almost identical! LOL
Motley's have no belly checkers, regular patterned corns do. It is quite difficult to see them on snows though. But if you see white and more transparent like checkers on the belly, it is not a motley.

About being able to see through a snow or amelanistic corn, when they arevery young you can see their organs, especially in snow corns. I had a sort of premature hatchling snow and I could see all his internal organs work, including his heart beating. So you might just have seen your first corns stomach. Did the cornsnake function well?