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Caramel wanted!


~♪Sorry and Thanks♪~
Hi, I've been looking for a nice caramel male. I have a female I want to breed in 2 years with a carmel male, so I would prefer they be 2009-2011 babies :) thanks! Please include pictures even if you PM me.
Hi, I've been looking for a nice caramel male. I have a female I want to breed in 2 years with a carmel male, so I would prefer they be 2009-2011 babies :) thanks! Please include pictures even if you PM me.

Please go down to my forum....there are pics there.....I have 3 males het for lavender, hypo and motley that eat like piggies.
I have a few on my website with different hets. Let me know which one you are interested in and I'll get you some pics. Thanks!
I found 3 so far that are homo caramel. 2 females and only 1 male. I have A LOT of normals het caramel and hypo among other genes. Here are the pics:

Female caramel het hypo, ph amel, anery no flash
with flash

Female caramel het ultra, hypo no flash
with flash
Sorry guys! I've already picked out a caramel from Starsevol :) No more offers please