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Catch and freeze?

He was asking a simple question that does not need attacks, I know if it came down to it, and I could not afford to feed my snakes I would go out and get wild mice and freeze them to feed them to my snakes. I do not see that happening any time soon, and that would be a last ditch effort to keep my snakes from dying of starvation.
Attacks...really ?
Yeah if it comes down to it(you can't afford to feed your pets an appropriate and healthy diet) get rid of them !!! Are you kidding ?...last ditch to keep them from dying of starvation ? Get rid of them and put them in the hands of someone who can afford a few bucks a month on their animals.
makes me wonder how many people here have never owned or read a book on snake keeping basics.

This guy obviously did........

If it ever got to the point of not being able to afford to buy rodents to feed my snakes then i would pass them on to someone who could.

As to weather freezing would kill parasites then i would say yes.

BUT, the thing that is most dnagerous is what the wild radent has eaten, ie, poison.

Wild corns would have built up some kind of defence over years of exposure but domestic corns will lose this natural defence and be much more susceptible....

In my opinion (and it is only an opinion) wild rodents should never be fed to domestic reptiles....
Attacks...really ?
Yeah if it comes down to it(you can't afford to feed your pets an appropriate and healthy diet) get rid of them !!! Are you kidding ?...last ditch to keep them from dying of starvation ? Get rid of them and put them in the hands of someone who can afford a few bucks a month on their animals.
makes me wonder how many people here have never owned or read a book on snake keeping basics.

This guy obviously did........

Easier said than done. I also know that my in laws would help me out if I ever needed a few extra dollars to feed my snakes. Hence the reason I went on to say, "I do not see that happening" or something like that.
Easier said than done. I also know that my in laws would help me out if I ever needed a few extra dollars to feed my snakes. Hence the reason I went on to say, "I do not see that happening" or something like that.

I agree... Or i could go to the neighbors house, dig in the couch and get enough money to feed my snake (benefits of having one hehe :))
Honestly, I do not see much difference of feeding a snake a wc f/t mouse than someone feeding roadkill to their dog or cat. Who knows what the animal ate before getting hit by your car or what was wrong with it.
Honestly, I do not see much difference of feeding a snake a wc f/t mouse than someone feeding roadkill to their dog or cat. Who knows what the animal ate before getting hit by your car or what was wrong with it.

I think the difference is that if you want to adopt an animal(cat/dog/snake) from the SPCA or buy one from a breeder/pet store and tell them you're gonna feed it roadkill or whatever you can "find", they're gonna send you on your way empty handed.
But you wouldn't tell them that would you ? hmmm. I wonder why.
Most pet store owners that I know could care less what you feed or try to feed to the animal. Once it is out their door and the money is in their pockets, they do not think it matters. Though, I do know one lady who owned a pet store, if anyone had told her that they were going to feed a rabbit or Guinea pig to a snake, she would have refused to sell it to them.
This whole argument between you and I started when you said something about not doing the mouse a favor, and I came in and said it doesn't matter if the mouse is done a favor or not, in the end it will be dead. I am sorry if you are against the killing of pest animals.
I personally think that what this guy is thinking of doing is an interesting experiment. If he were to be able to get a few frozen mice from different pet stores and companies on the internet, and compare his findings from those to the wild ones he kills and freezes, it will be pretty cool to see what his findings are.

If the animal will die in a trap, why not freeze it and see how many of the internal parasites die during that time? Seriously, what is so wrong with that?
Well personally I think the experiment is pointless and is going to confuse people that don't know any better.
Can you say Pandora's box ?
If someone's not on the ball and actually starts packing their pets with wc mice then someone's likely gonna be sorrily disappointed with the end result...if not for their snakes then maybe themselves, their own health.

...THINK about it...

Let's say I pull a fish out of the ocean where I live and test it for contaminates.......and it comes up clean as a whistle...
Does that mean that anyone, anywhere in the world can (at any time) pull a fish outta water and assume it's gonna be contaminate free JUST because 1 fish in my locality was "OK" ?
Hardly, you think it's safe to do it in your/my area just because it might be safe in his area ?
I'm sure there are many people out there(and here on this site) that are going to assume what works in 1 part of the world works in another.
Even if wc mice in his area end up being OK what about a year from now...what could pop up ? Things change.

What about people coming into contact with wc mice ?
Ever see pest control guys covered in personal protection equipment(lung/skin protection)...ever wonder why ?
Ever heard of the hantavirus ???...probably not - google it....let's forget about the snakes health and think about the humans health for a sec.
You wanna mess with wc mice it may cost you a whole lot more then what pet store mice cost on a regular basis.

Killing internal parasites in the wc mice is only the tip of the iceberg.

Look at the big picture here, to save a couple of bucks ?
If it aint broke don't fix it.
Well personally I think the experiment is pointless and is going to confuse people that don't know any better.
Can you say Pandora's box ?
If someone's not on the ball and actually starts packing their pets with wc mice then someone's likely gonna be sorrily disappointed with the end result...if not for their snakes then maybe themselves, their own health.

...THINK about it...

Let's say I pull a fish out of the ocean where I live and test it for contaminates.......and it comes up clean as a whistle...
Does that mean that anyone, anywhere in the world can (at any time) pull a fish outta water and assume it's gonna be contaminate free JUST because 1 fish in my locality was "OK" ?
Hardly, you think it's safe to do it in your/my area just because it might be safe in his area ?
I'm sure there are many people out there(and here on this site) that are going to assume what works in 1 part of the world works in another.
Even if wc mice in his area end up being OK what about a year from now...what could pop up ? Things change.

What about people coming into contact with wc mice ?
Ever see pest control guys covered in personal protection equipment(lung/skin protection)...ever wonder why ?
Ever heard of the hantavirus ???...probably not - google it....let's forget about the snakes health and think about the humans health for a sec.
You wanna mess with wc mice it may cost you a whole lot more then what pet store mice cost on a regular basis.

Killing internal parasites in the wc mice is only the tip of the iceberg.

Look at the big picture here, to save a couple of bucks ?
If it aint broke don't fix it.
I know i shouldn't come into this argument but yes i have heard of Hantavirus and did a project on it many years ago. But mice in the US, Canada, and majority of mexico do not have it, this virus strand first started in Korea, South Korea to be exact.
To get back on subject my answer is yes, even though you could kill all the parasites what if someone tried to kill it with a poison already and it did not work, and then your snake ate that same mouse, recipe for disaster i would call it.
To get back off subject you mentioned just a few bucks to feed snakes, what about those (susan, susang, fatman, etc) who own MORE than one snake, i own 2 at the moment and my oldest takes 10 dollars every 2 weeks, due to prices being spiked.
--------------------------Thank you
Sincerely, William
Well it's not really an argument, more of a debate.
I guess since the experts don't waste their time on these threads...having to keep coming back and say the same thing over and over again...is why they never chime in.

Anyone want to actually google mice hantavirus and see the same stories, numbers I'm seeing...?
EVERYTHING on the first page is Canada and USA related.

I assume Susan and others here are responsible keepers and only keep what they can feed.
Myself I have 10 snakes that require about $70-$100 a month to feed.
I also have 3 cats and they are all on a holistic diet which is about $1 a day per cat, dry food is extra and litter is about $25-$50 a month.
Also have 3 fish tanks which cost very little to feed.
This is about my limit that I'm willing to spend on my pets food total per month...that said, I will not acquire any more pets than what I have now, to do so would be irresponsible on my part in my opinion.
So, going back to the basics and common sense, don't keep what you can't afford...thought we all knew that.
Sorry everyone to hop back off of this topic but tripleT think about those who have one of there tanks break now you must house together 2 of your snakes. i get a new tank and boom a little later and you have eggs. what happens then will you just kill them before they hatch i couldn't think about doing that.
And if you wish to discuss the number of pets you have thats great my family and I own 5 dogs, 3 cats, 2 snakes, 2 lizards, 5 fire bellied frogs, 15 hermit crabs, a duck, and a boa. We spend over 300 dollars a month.
--------------------------Thank you
Sincerely, William, again sorry for getting off topic.
Sorry everyone to hop back off of this topic but tripleT think about those who have one of there tanks break now you must house together 2 of your snakes. i get a new tank and boom a little later and you have eggs. what happens then will you just kill them before they hatch i couldn't think about doing that.


Why do I even post here ?
Well i have multiple answers for you.
1-Because you needed help/advice
2-Free will
3-Beats me you were the one who filled out the registration form.
--------------------------Thank you
Sincerely, William
Ever heard of the hantavirus ???...probably not - google it....let's forget about the snakes health and think about the humans health for a sec.
You wanna mess with wc mice it may cost you a whole lot more then what pet store mice cost on a regular basis.

Killing internal parasites in the wc mice is only the tip of the iceberg.

Look at the big picture here, to save a couple of bucks ?
If it aint broke don't fix it.

Hmmm, Hantavirus, Let me think... Yeah, I believe I was just talking about this and the bubonic plague that the state of NM has had cases of, from what I can tell, as recently as 10 years ago. It is mostly due to people not knowing that snakes are actually helping keep things like this from popping up.
Also, I think more study needs to be done to see if these types of viruses are transmittable to snakes. I think that this person's experiment could possibly lead into something like that. It is amazing what scientists pull from in order to formulate a hypothesis, and what they do in order to see if it is correct or not.
If more people thought like you, and just figured that something they think is completely wrong should not be done, we would not be as far technologically as we are currently. In fact, I will go as far to state, that we would still be back in the stone age.