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Changing over to the Munson plan... advice??

It would be nice to have a supply of reds. The pinkies that are sold are sometimes really big. And it's still possible based on the earlier posts that she wasn't interested at first because she could be shedding. Sorry for your troubles!
Thank you. I just hope she's okay. I went to check on her a few minutes ago and couldn't find her. Her Viv is secure so I'm not worried about her having gotten out. She must have buried under her bedding. Poor thing.

Being a snake Momma is hard lol
Just leave her be for a week and a half, and feed her a head next. You can still use the body to feed next time if she passes that okay. It would be interesting to go through all the old threads titles "Switching to the Munson Plan" that follow with "My corn has regurged." It really is pushing the limits of what they can handle.
I'm going to go back to how I was feeding her before once I get her back on track with the regurge plan. Before I was just feeding her a pinkie every 5 days and she was okay with that. I understand this is my fault for trying to switch her.
Well, I tried to feed Auggie last night and it didn't go well :(

It's been 9 days so far. I put her in a small container in her Viv with the head of a pinkie. I covered the tank with a thick sheet doubled up (leaving a bit of room on top for air) and then I turned the lights off and left her overnight.

I just checked and the mouse is still there. Not moved one bit. She didn't even have any interest in it.

I'm so worried and upset with myself for screwing things up. What do I do now? :(
I forgot to add there has been no handling or bothering her at all. I'll check when I move her back but I've seen no signs of going into a shed...
Seeing as she just regurged 6 days ago, be thankful she didn't take. She might well have regurged again, and you'd be in a real mess. Try her in about 3 more days. Perhaps just drop the tiniest pink (or a head) you have on a plate in her cage. That way she doesn't even have to be handled to be put in a deli. Might try it at night. But feeding inside 10 days isn't advised.