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Cloudy eye

Yea we had a hell of a night Nanci. Surgery at 1:30a and I got the call that she was waking up at 5:30a. It seemed a tad worse yesterday morning but not terrible then I got home after my shift and shit had hit the fan for lack of a better term. It was pretty scary. I'm not so much worried about the loss of the eye at this point as much as making sure it heals ok and whether the snarl relaxes so her mouth can be mostly normal. I Don't like her teeth and gums being exposed like that. I can only imagine how hard it would be to suture an eye socket shut on such a tiny scaly head so I understand it being pulled up but it worries me. The vet said it should adjust back down, hope shes right. I've been in classes since this morning so I'm not sure how she's currently feeling. Should be home in a half hour to check. As of this morning she was mostly groggy and seemed more annoyed with it than in pain. I'm guessing that suture has her feeling some pressure. Suture is to stay in for a couple months and we were sent home with oral meds. Going to make follow up appointment with specialist for 2 weeks. Gonna have to get her a pirate ship hide and start calling her Captain Juju :p . I appreciate the reassurance as I'm stressin and gone into full papa bear mode
Looks like half digested mouse

Day and half after eye removal surgery. She ate several pinkies 5 days ago. I found what looks like partially digested pinkie. I called vet that did surgery she wasn't in and her partner wouldn't speak with me unless I came in. I told her I gave them $700 2 days ago and can't afford $100 just to talk to her but she didn't care. All this was communicated through a tech. I'm having trouble editing pic to be small enough to post without cutting in half. I'm guessing she threw up? Should I be worried?
Looks like half digested mouse

Tailish end and lumpy guts looking stuff


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In this case, it is hard to tell. First off, that should have been long enough to digest the pinkies. But with the medical problems who knows? How does it smell? Some of what i see looks more like poop. If Juju did regurge it couldn't be helped at this point. She had to have the surgery. But from your pictures I'm not so sure. An in focus picture with something for scale would help. Maybe a coin?

My prayers are still with you. If it is a regurge we will help you through it.
There are reptile probiotics called Nutribac. You can order it on line. You'd sprinkle it on her meals for the next couple months.

The regurge protocol is to not feed for 10ish days. This basically works out to skipping the next scheduled meal. Then you feed a meal half the size of what the snake regurged.

However, your snake isn't eating normal size prey yet, and has had a ton of stress, and so has had the perfect conditions for stress-induced regurge (as opposed to too large a prey item, or too low temps), so I think I'd give her a week from yesterday before attempting to feed, and then I'd feed either a fuzzy, or 2-3 pinks, then if that goes well, after her two week check up, a hopper? Then a week later, a weanling?

Also, we don't know when her last meal was before she was rescued, so her digestive system could have been pretty empty, probably was by the looks of the poo, and it certainly doesn't hurt to work her up to her normal prey size gradually.
Absolutely. If in doubt it will never hurt a snake to follow the regurge protocol. Nanci outlined it with some modifications, but here's the direct link (partway down the page under FAQ from Kathy Love on Regurgitation Treatment)


Just be aware that Nutribac is a probiotic ("good" bacteria). I'm not sure that using it at the same time as an oral antibiotic is a good idea. After Juju is done with her antibiotics I imagine it would be no problem. If anyone has any further info about mixing Nutribac with an antibiotic, please speak up. I don't know for certain, I'm merely concerned.
Ok I'll look into it. I know they've helped me alot since I really sick 5 years ago my insides have never been the same I imagine they would help her too. I feel bad that I have this posted in 2 places now but I was trying to get help rly quick last night and vet sucked. We have appointment with specialist Monday morning
Take the poop pictures with and ask the specialist about the antibiotic, probiotic possible conflict. Best wishes and prayers continue for Juju.
Rather than think of antibiotic, think of antimicrobial. Antimicrobials don't distinguish between good and bad bacteria. While administering an antibiotic (antimicrobial) medication it is a waste of time to also administer a probiotic. The good gut bacteria will be killed along with the bad. However, I would immediately do as Nanci suggested, and have the Nutribac on hand to begin providing good gut bacteria as soon as the medication is stopped.
Yea I'll talk to vet abt it. Anyway I'm only handling her to give meds. Trying to pretend it doesn't look like shit so I can get thru midterms and work and finally see vet mon morning. It's fine everything's fine...
It's understandable, and we are all on your side. It's something we would all do if in your shoes. Keep up your spirits and let JuJu know everything will be okay. Good luck with the
Sending good thoughts and prayers for you and Juju. It is so difficult to concentrate on the things you have to do when you are so concerned for a little scaley one.

Thanks for your input on the probiotic, Twolounger. You said it so much better than I could.
I told her I gave them $700 2 days ago and can't afford $100 just to talk to her but she didn't care.

As a technician, this kind of stuff really chaps my hide...it's stuff like that that gives us a bad name and people saying we're only in this for the money *snort*

I'm sorry your scaly one is sick, I hope the specialist can get her back on the right track.
Yeah, isn't a follow up visit usually included in the cost of a major surgery?

Anyway, you should post pics of her wound- it's looking really good! Isn't today the day she goes to see an actual snake vet?

And you can use picresize.com to get your pics to a more manageable size :)
I will get them up I've just been rly busy. We go to vet this morning, I'm excited to see someone who knows their stuff. Hope it's all good news. I'll post update after