I still have nightmares where I will walk into the reptile building and discover a door to a room I had forgotten about. And when I walk into that room, it is filled with cages of dead snakes that I had simply forgotten about and they all died from neglect. That gives me cold sweats just thinking about the dream.
Rich, a couple years ago I walked into my reptile room just to find my breaker had tripped and shut off power to the whole room. I lost everything, I was absolutely destroyed, that's why I haven't been back on here or fauna till now, I didn't think I would ever keep snakes again. Honestly (no sucking up here I swear) If it wasn't for you and this wonderful community I wouldn't be starting my collection again. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Hope things pull back together for you. Stuff like that can really knock the wind out of your sails. I remember we did a show up in Maryland, and at the time I was setting up a display tank on my tables displaying all the finest adult examples of all the different corn snake cultivars I was working with. Well, evidently I really screwed up and put too many snakes in the box for that two day trip, or didn't have enough air holes, or something. Most of the adults I brought up with me were dead when I opened up the box to set them up. That was NOT a pleasant experience, let me tell you. So yes, definitely a horrible experience that is not soon, if ever, forgotten.
But time does seem to at least partially heal most wounds. So chin up, and keep on moving forward. What else can you do? NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER SURRENDER!