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Coral Snow


New member
Hey guys I just got this last week. Sorry about bad lighting. Thought it was very peach for a coral, but Don from SMR says it is definitely a coral snow corn on the extreme end of the colour scale.


Wow, that is pretty extreme (emphasis on the pretty :) ) There seems to be a lot of variation in corals, they must be very interesting to work with, breeding wise. And of course they look so awesome.

funkybluemonkey said:
Hey guys I just got this last week. Sorry about bad lighting. Thought it was very peach for a coral, but Don from SMR says it is definitely a coral snow corn on the extreme end of the colour scale.
Don didn't produce it according to this:
funkybluemonkey said:
i wasn't sure that it was a coral snow either, so we sent pics to Don Soderberg of SMR and he confirmed that it is a coral snow on the extreme end of the colour scale. The lighting in the pic is quite bad. The saddles are peach and the rest of the snake is a pearlescent peach almost pink colour. Don even said i should try and get another from the same parents and try to promote those colours.
So how can he say it is definitely a coral snow. That doesn't sound like the Don I've talked to before. Can you get better pics of it? In my opinion, it looks like an amel in those pics.
Extreme coral snow . . .

CornCrazy said:
Don didn't produce it according to this:
So how can he say it is definitely a coral snow. That doesn't sound like the Don I've talked to before. Can you get better pics of it? In my opinion, it looks like an amel in those pics.

There seems to be something about coral snows that can't really be explained. There are so many degrees of the color. It seems that the color intensity is amplified with successive generations of breeding. That is, when I breed a ghost het for amel to a ghost het for amel, the snows hatch out with just a blush of pink. Most of them mature to be much more pink, but some keep just the blush of color. When I breed two average corals together, I get a few good ones, more average and some inferior. Of course, this is just what you'd expect with any color mechanism. Finally, if I breed the best of those two together, I get better ones yet. Since coral snows are relatively new to the hobby, who knows what different looks we're going to see?

Hence, in the absence of more information about the subject animal of this thread, I have to say it is a coral snow. Extreme in color and even colors I've never seen on any corn, but given our current knowledge level of morphs, I can't call it anything else. I've had some that got more of a 'cheese' color than coral, so when I first saw pix of this animal, I was reminded of those.

Is it a hypo, amel, anery? :shrugs: All I can say from looking at the pictures of it is that it appears to be a coral snow. Of course, I'd love to find out what the siblings of this snake are. A left-handed guess would be that the caramel gene is present also. It would explain how it swung from a coral look to a cheese color. Maybe we're looking at the new "cheese" corns. Those of you that know me, realize that by making that statement, I still have a sense of humor. Most of the newish names for corns don't impress me. I guess in keeping with the food nature of corn morph names, this one could launch a new genera. American, Swiss, cheddar and so on. :headbang:
Here is a picture of a coral snow I got from Don S. Just to show the difference in the color scale


  • Coral_Snow_SMR.jpg
    166.8 KB · Views: 66
Orange . .

gzyv15a said:
Here is a picture of a coral snow I got from Don S. Just to show the difference in the color scale

We can see a little of that cheesy color in the neucal markings.

Wow, that's better than most of my breeders. Guess I need to keep a few of those each year. lol

Thank you, Don, for replying. I wanted more than just a "Don told me so," if you know what I mean. I thought it would be good for you to post something here.

I personally have not seen enough coral snows to be able to say anything more than, "That doesn't look like any of the corals I have seen." I would have said it looks like an amel. I am glad that my corals have more of a pink look to them. I prefer them MUCH more.
Snow . . .

CornCrazy said:
Thank you, Don, for replying. I wanted more than just a "Don told me so," if you know what I mean. I thought it would be good for you to post something here.

I personally have not seen enough coral snows to be able to say anything more than, "That doesn't look like any of the corals I have seen." I would have said it looks like an amel. I am glad that my corals have more of a pink look to them. I prefer them MUCH more.

Naturally, I don't know, but I know it's not just an amel. I'm sure if they bred that to an anery, they'd get aneries.
Coral snows . . .

funkybluemonkey said:
Thanks for the reply Don, glad to see that guys like you who know more than the rest of us actually do read these threads. :rolleyes:

Well, actually I don't get to read these forums as much as I'd like to. I know you weren't referring to Terri (CornCrazy) as one that knew less, but just in case some of the readers may think you were, I want to say a little about it. Terri is a dear friend of mine and a valuable resource in our industry. In my second book, you will see more than one image of her snakes. Many times, I have sent Terri hatchling corns that wouldn't eat for me and she works magic on them.

These days, I rely on friends of mine like Terri to "watch my back" since I'm not sticking my head in on the forums much. Sometimes people 'mis' or 'dis'quote me by proclaiming this or that, so she (and others) will give me a heads-up in case I'm not watching. Then, I can review and comment on those quotes. In this case, I had already seen the pix and privately offered my opinion that I thought the snake was indeed a coral and a very unusually colored one at that. Many of us (myself included) look to Rich and Kathy to help us ID most of the corns we're not sure about. In this case, I just happen to have intimate experience with the corals.

No foul here from anyone. I just wanted to let everyone know that Terri was acting in the best interest of the hobby and me. Had this been a misquote, I'd have wanted the opportunity to clear it up. Thanks, Terri.
hi Don and Terri

I in no way meant that Terri knows less or anything like that. My reply was based purely on your reputation. No offence Terri. :)
No worries. . .

funkybluemonkey said:
hi Don and Terri

I in no way meant that Terri knows less or anything like that. My reply was based purely on your reputation. No offence Terri. :)

I totally know you didn't. Just wanted to get that out there since a couple of people emailed me that they saw some potential for confusion.