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Corn ate piece of aspen along with mouse...

My fuzzies are about 1.3x the width of her, so like I said she's very very close to being on hoppers. She has two fuzzies left, after that she will be moved to hoppers. I am using the 1.5x method and the "if theres a lump the next morning" method to determine food size, and shes on the very cusp of the next size. The pictures must be making her look big, so I'm going to get some better ones later tonight.

I do not have a gram scale, and I've been wanting to get one, but I just haven't been in any stores that would have it, and money is tight right now so justifying the purchase unless we find a super cheap one, is hard to do. Even though its important to have. We do have to go into a Canadian Tire soon though for a washer hose, so perhaps I can get one then. :)
That snake is ready for hoppers.

Also, most snakes feed fine in a feeding viv, very nervous or shy specimens can be exceptions. If you feel like you have a shy girl, try cutting a snake-sized hole in the bottom/side of a deli cup, and just put it in her viv (with the warm food item inside) when she's hungry. They'll usually find the opening pretty quickly, and eat inside. Once they learn to find the "food hole" they get to be pros at it! A few hard heads still pull the food out, but once they get used to it, they seem more inclined to just climb on in. Good luck. I feel sure she'll be fine, she's a good sized critter.
Yes, by the time I can get to the pet store for the hoppers she will have probably had one more fuzzy, then even if there's fuzzies left I'll start her on hoppers. Don't worry guys!

Thanks, but I'm not worried at all about her eating in a tub, shes not too shy. It simply hasn't been necessary before now, as she would neatly eat on a Tupperware lid in her tank before yesterday, haha!

Sadly it wouldn't be $10 for me to get a scale off ebay since I'm in Canada :p But thanks!

That snake is ready for hoppers.

Also, most snakes feed fine in a feeding viv, very nervous or shy specimens can be exceptions. If you feel like you have a shy girl, try cutting a snake-sized hole in the bottom/side of a deli cup, and just put it in her viv (with the warm food item inside) when she's hungry. They'll usually find the opening pretty quickly, and eat inside. Once they learn to find the "food hole" they get to be pros at it! A few hard heads still pull the food out, but once they get used to it, they seem more inclined to just climb on in. Good luck. I feel sure she'll be fine, she's a good sized critter.
Don't rush! If you have extra fuzzies, just feed them off. Two at a time if needed.

Scales are pretty cheap, I'm sure you can find a site/store in Canada. Some kitchen scales will weigh in 1/10th grams, which is as accurate as you could possibly need. Best wishes.

Will be going to get the hoppers in the next two days. Was going to get mice soon anyway, before you guys mentioned your concerns, but we have to go to that area in the next couple days for something else now. :)
Thanks, that's what I thought too! A couple more fuzzies isn't going to hurt., and I'm getting hoppers sooner than I thought now too. I was going to go once I ran out of fuzzies, but I happen to have a willing driver (aka mum) for sooner on my days off here. ;) Yeah, Canadian Tire is my best bet here so I'll hopefully find one there for a decent price. :)

Don't rush! If you have extra fuzzies, just feed them off. Two at a time if needed.

Scales are pretty cheap, I'm sure you can find a site/store in Canada. Some kitchen scales will weigh in 1/10th grams, which is as accurate as you could possibly need. Best wishes.
I took her out a few minutes ago and got some more pictures, and while she was out, she had a poop! I did not see any aspen bits, but I have no idea what "passed" aspen would look like, so I'm hoping you guys can tell if this is just normal poop or what. I've only ever seen her poop dried up, never fresh. Left poop pic original size. Took pics with a pencil so you get a better idea of her size too. :)





Crap, did that wrong. Trying again! Sorry to spam, I wish there was an edit button I don't have to pay for :p If this doesn't work I'll try another image hosting place.





Yeah, I've tried feeding mine on a tupperware lid or piece of cardboard, and she ALWAYS knocks or drags it off, getting it covered in some substrate before eating it (and once absolutely covered!)

Thus far, there haven't been any problems-she's defecating and eating healthily and doesn't seem impacted, but I've actually started feeding her in a large plastic tupperware. I put her and the thawed mouse in the tupperware, and lay it in her vivarium. She eats at her leisure and then leaves the tupperware when she feels like it, and I don't get nervous about her eating woodchips.
Normal poo with urea. The aspen will be digested (unless perhaps it was a huge piece), don't expect wood chips or anything.
Okay haha, a wood chip was kind of what I was expecting. Does that fact that she pooped at all mean she's not impacted, or should I wait for another poop to do a happy dance and be certain she's clear?
I think one poop is a sign that things are still moving, which is great. Definitely wait for another poop before you get your groove on.
I wouldn't worry about it too much. Keep in mind these guys are wild animals - they don't have the luxury of clean deli cups and tubs to be fed in. I'm sure they're ingesting all sorts of crap when they eat.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't be concerned or take precautions when feeding, just that a small piece of aspen is very unlikely to cause any harm.
I wouldn't worry about it too much. Keep in mind these guys are wild animals - they don't have the luxury of clean deli cups and tubs to be fed in. I'm sure they're ingesting all sorts of crap when they eat.

THIS ^^^ .

I still take some precaution, but I don't overly worry about it. I put the Rodent on a small piece of reptile carpet. I recently started using the top from those "to go" cups of cookies.

I'm just about to feed her now, two fuzzies, and I found I have a mouse that's much bigger than my fuzzies that must be a hopper, and so next feeding she'll get that. It looks bigger than her width for sure, just not sure if too much but we'll see next week! Hopefully all is well with her stomach! I haven't been finding fresh looking poop, but I'm gone a lot...