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Corn Snake? Not a Corn Snake?


New member
Okay so here is what happened, I answered an add on CL, about a gentleman wanting to sell off 5 adult male cornsnakes for $20 each. He is located in the same town as I am, and I had dealt with this gentleman before so we decided maybe we could do some trading.

I look at his corns and pick out a monster anery with absolutely no yellow on him (which is my dream snake) thought he had an odd head/pattern, but was happy either way with my new boy (not for breeding mind u, just a pet).

This snake is probably in the 5ft range if not a bit over that, is shaped like a corn only large sized, but oddly enough seems to have the head of a gopher snake. . .

I know there are hybrids of corns and gophers, but have never seen one in person, and have no clue if what I am looking at is just an odd corn or a hybrid of sorts. Either way it doesnt matter as he has an amazing personality and I love his color/look. But I am curious, any suggestions, ideas, thoughts would be welcome!


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I'd guess some sort of rat snake too but I do not have a practiced eye at this sort of stuff
I don't think that is a turbo corn aka corn x gopher/bull snake. They tend to look less corny. It looks to me like a nice large corn or a gray rat. Prob not a black rat, they have shorter, stubbier snouts than this one has.
There is a Pituophis look about that head, especially in the second pic., but I don't think it's a "turbo" at least not 50% Pit. It doesn't look like the gray rats I'm used to either, but the ratsnakes vary a ton and there are intergrades just in my state. I want to say it's a corn, but it just doesn't look like *my* anerys. Too stocky, and just blotched differently. Hard to explain, but I'd still vote corn if I had to wager.
Its a Prairie Kingsnake - Lampropeltis Calligaster

LOL I know way off...I was yankin ya'lls chains...it looks way more like a gopher (head) with a corn snake (anery/charcoal) pattern
It's not the head pattern that throws me. It's got a husky build. And even the body blotches look "uncorny," but I'm guilty of comparing the ones I see every day to that animal. Still lean corn, but some characteristics are atypical.
^ Kathy's book also mentions a lot about certain localities and strains of corn snakes being husky and other being lean.
Nanci's boot keys corns are a great example of that, lean, fast and light compared to other corns. I remember her commenting on it when she got them!

I dunno what that guy is but he's pretty neat lookin!
Thanks to all for commenting. I saw some similarities to the grey rat, gopher snake, and corn snake. All in all I am going to call him a mutt :D and because he will never be used for breeding, it doesnt really matter I guess, but there is a part of me that wishes I knew exactly so I could get more like him, he is my favorite in color out of the corns I have seen. I like anerys but really dont like the yellow, and then seeing him it was like "omg, I win" lol

So far I havent named him yet, so maybe Mutt will stick lol

And if anyone else has any suggestions feel free to let me know, as my curiosity is still alive and well hehehe.
I think it is a grey rat. its face looks more built like a rat to me, as well as the lack of yellow on the sides or even the top, as well as the redish hue to the saddles.

I would bet rat
i can honestly say it doesnt look like a pit to me at all. I first glanced at it and I thought rat snake. but not a grey rat. There is no pit in this snake. I have most species of its or worked with them and this snake doesnt look like any of them I have worked with.
If its a cross, its with that of a rat and corn ( again, corns are rats) but I am leaning more towards and old Anery Corn.
I have grey rats, black rats, corns and pits. I am standing with Corn snake.
Here is a pic of his top and bottom vent area. I think he might be het pied :crazy02:

Okay not really lol, but as far as normal corn coloration or no, I have no clue.


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Belly is very corny. I'd still call it a corn snake.