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Corn snake photo section

I have been thinking about it for awhile and if all that needed to be done, mod-wise, is make sure photos are in the right morph, new morphs are added, name-changes, etc, I wouldn't mind doing it (I'm finding myself with computer time and nothing good that I haven't read already). When I made my post earlier today, I was actually considering purchasing a second member forum just for a photo gallery for this site. Then I looked to see if there was an option to not bring threads up to the top when a new post is made and couldn't see one. If something as simple as that option could be found, instead of having to add a whole new program, I'll do it. Or if it's acceptable to just not mind the morphs being in order, but have a separate thread per morph, basically keeping things the way they are and simply removing comment posts, we can just do that, my treat.

Well, actually I just discovered that I can do that via the admin panel. I had to put in custom code way back when to get that effect over in FaunaClassifieds in a particular forum I wanted in alphabetical order. I just set up the TEST forum here in that manner.

But putting this in a regular forum will have it's own pitfalls. One is that you will not be able to limit it to photos only, and many threads may become overburdened with text posts, making a viewer wade through a lot of text to see all of the photos. Of course, I can set it up to ONLY accept attachments, and NO text posting, but not sure that would be very acceptable to most people. Secondly, unless the forum is restricted, people will tend to duplicate threads, not taking the time to search to see if one has already been started for that cultivar. Or perhaps there will be disagreement on the preferred name of something. The workaround for that is to make it so that only moderators can create new threads. Of course there would have to be some sort of method worked out to hash out when something new deserves a new section.
Cornsnakes.com, in general, is so much cleaner and less "busy." I like that.

If you look at the main forum page of FaunaClassifieds, it is pretty much the same as it is here in CornSnakes. Photopost is an add-on mod that resides in it's own section and is not actually part of the forum at all. So adding it here would not clutter up the forums section at all. Well, a LINK would have to be provided for members to get to the photo gallery section, but that would be rather inconsequential.
Well, actually I just discovered that I can do that via the admin panel. I had to put in custom code way back when to get that effect over in FaunaClassifieds in a particular forum I wanted in alphabetical order. I just set up the TEST forum here in that manner.

But putting this in a regular forum will have it's own pitfalls. One is that you will not be able to limit it to photos only, and many threads may become overburdened with text posts, making a viewer wade through a lot of text to see all of the photos. Of course, I can set it up to ONLY accept attachments, and NO text posting, but not sure that would be very acceptable to most people. Secondly, unless the forum is restricted, people will tend to duplicate threads, not taking the time to search to see if one has already been started for that cultivar. Or perhaps there will be disagreement on the preferred name of something. The workaround for that is to make it so that only moderators can create new threads. Of course there would have to be some sort of method worked out to hash out when something new deserves a new section.

Most of that can "easily" be taken care of. Since I volunteer to purchase the forum, I have the right to remove any non-photo post and to either delete or combine any new thread that duplicates one already there. I'll get e-mails stating someone put up a post so I'll know to check the forum on days I may not do so right away. I'll create all the threads (I can keep them closed until all are in), and title each morph as genetic name and trade name. If a new one comes along, I can edit is if needed. And should I die in some horrible bungee jumping accident, the forum can be taken over by the next volunteer with only one functioning and semi-sane brain cell with $50. The morph photo gallery on another site is edited to remove any non-photo post and it is known to only list information on the morph/snake in question and not put in alot of commentary. It seems to work quite well. Duplicate threads are also removed and I also think photos themselves are screened so as the snake is the actual morph it's listed under and the photo itself is of identification quality (not a photo that is tinted all one color, blurred, and the snake takes up only 1/10 of the entire photo and all you see is the tail half as it crawls under a blanket. We can also limit photos to attachments only (to prevent photos from disappearing when the link is not longer viable). And should a photo attachment be removed from a member's allotment, the entire post for that photo can be deleted as well.
Couldn't you keep them in alphabetical order... by sticky-ing them? Are you able to rearrange stickes at will?
Forgot to mention (I hate writing posts and having to listen to hubby babble or the kids argue with each other), a privately owned subforum moderated solely by it's owner will free the rest of the site, it's owner and mods from having to take any heat when posts and/or photos are deleted. I don't mind (well, I do, but that won't stop me) having to say "It's my subforum, bought and paid for. I have the right to delete any thread, post or photo I feel doesn't belong. You don't like it, buy and create your own forum."
Couldn't you keep them in alphabetical order... by sticky-ing them? Are you able to rearrange stickes at will?

I've tried that, and it didn't work. I looked at what Rich did in the Test forum and that's just fine. Basically works the same as that other place, click the thread icon and it goes into alphabetical order, click again and it's back the way it was. And there is always the search function for each individual subforum. Put in "amel" and all (and only) the morphs with amel in them will show up, especially if you just search thread titles.
If needed, I'd definitely like to help with anything decided on.
Let me know if I'm needed!
I agree that it would have to be moderated by someone on a continuing basis to remove bad pictures, incorrect pictures and unnecessary posts.
I'm still pondering what would be the best way to do this when I have a few brain cells not occupied with some other stuff going on.....
definitely an idea worth considering, I've been trying to find pics of my baby as an adult !
Sorry, just had some more pressing issues on my plate and I just dropped the ball on this one. Maybe I'll be able to pick that ball up again soon...
I'm going to bring this back to the forefront of the site discussions.

Thanks to our wonderful Gov't, work has cut down for me quite a bit and will continue to do so (furloughs and 0 overtime) thus providing me with a lot more time on my hands.

Is there anything I can do to start this and anything in particular that I can do, so that we can have a photo section this summer, where people can put in photos of their morphs?
Also, if we did, what would the rules for the section be - i.e. a few moderators ensuring that the morphs posted are apropos and clear representations and disabling comments?
Yeah, I know this is still on my plate, but the devil is in the details of trying to implement it in such a way that it will be of value to everyone, and yet not be a pain in the butt to manage properly. I still tend to favor the Photopost style photo gallery over a freeform style of forum, but there does need to be some form of discussion allowed in relation to each cultivar presented. Then who is to say that a picture posted is actually what it is claimed to be?

Setting up a forum style photo gallery seems to be the easiest method on the surface, but does that mean a single forum with a separate thread for each cultivar? Or should it be a separate category with a FORUM allocated for each cultivar instead? Or to heck with either idea and just go for a raw Photopost style gallery with very limited (or nonexistent) discussion allowed?

Either way, yours truly will have to set it up. Been a while since I have looked at the admin functions in Photopost, so I'm not sure how much of the workload could be offloaded to volunteers willing to jump in on it.

Yeah, I know I'm retired and you would think I would have OODLES of time on my hands, but darn, it just hasn't worked out that way.....