Most of the other stuff is optional (things like recent photos, top posters, most popular, etc.) on the display page and can be left off completely.
I have been thinking about it for awhile and if all that needed to be done, mod-wise, is make sure photos are in the right morph, new morphs are added, name-changes, etc, I wouldn't mind doing it (I'm finding myself with computer time and nothing good that I haven't read already). When I made my post earlier today, I was actually considering purchasing a second member forum just for a photo gallery for this site. Then I looked to see if there was an option to not bring threads up to the top when a new post is made and couldn't see one. If something as simple as that option could be found, instead of having to add a whole new program, I'll do it. Or if it's acceptable to just not mind the morphs being in order, but have a separate thread per morph, basically keeping things the way they are and simply removing comment posts, we can just do that, my treat., in general, is so much cleaner and less "busy." I like that.
Well, actually I just discovered that I can do that via the admin panel. I had to put in custom code way back when to get that effect over in FaunaClassifieds in a particular forum I wanted in alphabetical order. I just set up the TEST forum here in that manner.
But putting this in a regular forum will have it's own pitfalls. One is that you will not be able to limit it to photos only, and many threads may become overburdened with text posts, making a viewer wade through a lot of text to see all of the photos. Of course, I can set it up to ONLY accept attachments, and NO text posting, but not sure that would be very acceptable to most people. Secondly, unless the forum is restricted, people will tend to duplicate threads, not taking the time to search to see if one has already been started for that cultivar. Or perhaps there will be disagreement on the preferred name of something. The workaround for that is to make it so that only moderators can create new threads. Of course there would have to be some sort of method worked out to hash out when something new deserves a new section.
Couldn't you keep them in alphabetical order... by sticky-ing them? Are you able to rearrange stickes at will?
Yes, Dad. As in respected one.