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Day 81= my first PIPPIE EVER!!!! WHOOO HOOOOOO!!!! =D


New member
OMGosh I am FREAKIN' OUT w/ tons of wonderful emotions! :dancer::dancer:
Ok its been 81 loooooong days & I have been incubating at room temps! 6 eggs.

Mom is a Snow Motley & Dad is an Utlramel.

Let me know what you think my baby is. :crazy02:

Oh is the blood normal & the clear thick stuff? Is that what they eat? Oh & I have no bubbles...:shrugs: * Yes I have look at a million pippie picks in the last 2.5mths...lol*

The clear stuff is just albumin that the hatchling has been floating in, and the small amount of blood there is normal.
It's beautiful so far. Were the parents het for anything?

Thank you!!!!
You know the Mom is from Joni Garcia Snow Motley line. So I'm not sure if she is het. The father I got from a local petshop & if memory serves me correct his siblings were lavender. Now the store owner had no idea what the parents were when I asked. So the Dad is unknown. This baby had a dark eye not pink. I thought I was getting all Amels & Ultramels. So not sure what I have. :shrugs: A snow maybe?
I thought maybe snow at first but he color is a little darker than a snow and snows do have red eyes too. Sometimes it is too hard to tell exactly what they are until they are completely out and sometimes you aren't 100% sure until after the first shed.
Ohhh thank you guys for all the replies! I would LOVE a ghost or especially an Ultramel Anery!! That would be a sweet surprise! The baby has dark kinda blueish eye color. Too sweet! It has its nose stuck out & that's all. So now I just wait. I am going to run errands to get my mind off of the others! I just hope they are all healthy! My daughter has named the first one 'Lucky'! :D

Congrats Vikki!! I've been following your posts and glad you're finally getting pippies! Very exciting isn't it? My second clutch just hatched yesterday and today but not nearly as much fun as the first clutch. Looking forward to pics of your babies.
Congrats on your first pippy! It sure looks like a ghost to me. Joni Garcia has a great deal of hypo in her breeders and it wouldn't surprise me at all that your female snow motley was also het or even homo hypo. Your male you say you picked up at a pet shop and it's "siblings" were lavenders, you called him an ultramel in the first post, and later, you say you really don't know what he is. I would probably, at this point, err on the side of caution and simply call him a hypo het anery and the hatchling a ghost and not an ultramel anery. Wait to see what the rest of the clutch looks like before making any final calls, and even then, think about how likely hypo is going to find it's way into a pet shop over ultramel.
As much as you are right Susan, its hard to hear a kill joy on a thread about babies. LOL. Which ever it is it is one sweet baby!
Sorry its taken me so long. I had to get batteries for my wonderful camera that acts up on me. I think its time to get a new one.
Ok we have...

3 Ultramel Anerys/ Ghost?
1 Snow
2 Snow or Amel.... the reason I say is b/c I'm not sure I thought they were snow til the last one pipped & she is a snow w/ pink eyes. Now seeing the difference the others may be Amel they have a slightly darker pink skin than the snow. What confuses me is they have a pink eye. Its really hard to tell. They are still in the egg.

The last one finally pipped today & they are all still in the eggs So I am leaving them alone.
The photo is of the first one & he's been out for 24hrs. So is he an Ultramel Anery/Ghost? He has dark eyes w/ red iris.

Congrats on your first pippy! It sure looks like a ghost to me. Joni Garcia has a great deal of hypo in her breeders and it wouldn't surprise me at all that your female snow motley was also het or even homo hypo. Your male you say you picked up at a pet shop and it's "siblings" were lavenders, you called him an ultramel in the first post, and later, you say you really don't know what he is. I would probably, at this point, err on the side of caution and simply call him a hypo het anery and the hatchling a ghost and not an ultramel anery. Wait to see what the rest of the clutch looks like before making any final calls, and even then, think about how likely hypo is going to find it's way into a pet shop over ultramel.

Hey girl! Here is Dad. I was told he was an Ultramel. I said in my 2nd post he's PARENTS are unknown, meaning I don't know what Dad is het for..lol Here's a photo give me your expertise! Lord knows I need it! :confused: I only questioned what he is b/c I bought him from a Petshop & have learned a lot have no idea!
SO in the mix of babies there are NO Ultramels........that would make sense that he is something else!

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