Here is a pic of a male Ultramel het lavender, produced by Stephen.
Sort of looks like your guy.
The red freckling makes your momma a Paradox Snow.
His eyes are pretty much the same color as your guys are. I'd shoot a pic for you but he's blue. I put the pics of yours next to mine and they look like they could be siblings. I have 2 other ultramels that are younger and their colors are much different.What color is your guys eyes? Jewel was going in blue at the time of photo.
The results seem right for snow x ultramel pairing. In which case the "ghosts" would be ultramel anerys; which would mean ultramel was het for anery.
If it was just a hypo, you'd expect a normal or two, unless you just got killer odds. I'd repeat the breeding next year and hopefully get a larger clutch. If he's an ultramel, you couldn't get any normals breeding to a snow; whereas if it was a hypo you would. Good luck!