(I'm trying to restrain myself!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Tons of us go. It's traditional to meet up on Saturday night for a Cornsnake Dinner. This year we had a fund-raising raffle and started a memorial award. A lot of us stayed at the same hotel. You might say we met up for drinks!! (Or you might say we had a wild party Friday and Saturday nights!!)
It's also traditional for a large group of us to tour the show, loosely together, with people joining and leaving the core group as they please. Last year was different than usual because we were all obsessed with Rich Z's going out of business sale and we had to keep checking and rechecking his table as the snakes were unpacked.
You can probably do a search and find a lot of threads about our adventures. I did a live "broadcast" of the auction. It's a blast, and you'll fit right in with everyone! We are very friendly.
As the time gets closer, you'll start to see threads planning the dinner, hotel and such. Katie got us a great rate at an excellent hotel a couple miles away. The Hilton is right across the street, which is convenient, but I myself wanted to enjoy the festivities both nights without worrying about driving home afterwards.