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Daytona Corn Snake Dinner - where are we at? :)

If it is on Sat., I would like it if it could be as early as possible, maybe around 5:30. There are a number of expo related events going on Sat. night, but they usually start around 7 or later. That way we could do both the corn dinner and whatever else we may want to do in connection with the expo. Also, Sat. tends to be busy at restaurants, so if we are there early it may be a little quieter and less crowded.

If Don S. has his new book out by then, maybe he could bring a bunch to the dinner and sign them for anyone who wants one? It would make it kind of a special highlight of the event, since he usually attends but does not vend there (so far, anyway).

What does everyone else think?
I vote Saturday sometime as well. Since I'll have to work Friday I'll have to fly down that night because I won't be able to take off the day. Place doesn't matter as well but I know I'll want to do everything with the expo that I can since it's our first year vending.

What are the dates for Daytona? I would love to get there sooner than later, and am 100% sure that I don't know if I can do it this year, but would like to try . . . 'The Wife' has family in Arkansas and I could drop her off there on a cross country drive!

Drizzt80 said:
What are the dates for Daytona? I would love to get there sooner than later, and am 100% sure that I don't know if I can do it this year, but would like to try . . . 'The Wife' has family in Arkansas and I could drop her off there on a cross country drive!


The dates for the Daytona Show are August 18th, 19th, and 20th......I'm not sure what my table number is (first time vending there), but I hope everyone will come by and say hello!

Chris Olson
wait a minute, daytona florida? u mean there is gonna be an event near me!? :crazy02:
where will it be held?
I vote for early Saturday as well. That way people that are just up for the day or the weekend will have the best chance of being able to attend. I thought there was a couple looking into the "where" aspect, but I don't know if anything was ever decided. :)
Our last discussion was a possibility of a buffet that used to be a Ryan's Steakhouse. Somebody local was going to check it out for us. Guess we will have to dredge up the old thread and see if there was a conclusion.

The time is getting closer!!