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decor questions


New member
ok I went through a LOT of pages and couldn't find anything so here I am.

Can you use fish aquarium decorations in a snake viv?

Also I can not use shavings because I am allergic so I use reptile carpet but I feel that I need something so that my little pet can burrow in, I was thinking some loose fake leaves (yes I know more to clean but if it means that my snake is happy then I don't care) does anyone else have any ideas that I can use to help the burrowing instint?
I put down layers of paper towel in my viv, and my corn LOVES to scoot himself in between the layers and hide c: I also have heard of people shredding newpaper or paper towels. As far as fish decorations, I don't see why you couldn't-- it just depends on the look you're going for :)
I think the backgrounds not only add an attractive touch, but also make the tank feel a little more closed in and safe-- but, again, it's totally up to you and the look you're going for :) I got a nice forest background at Petsmart for about $12 dollars.
to be honest I was thinking that getting something to cover atleast the back would help make the snake feel safer, and they are pretty cheap...now just to find one that I like :p
They also sell shredded, krinkled substrate made out of paper! You could look into that as well!

really???!?!?! that would work perfectly! cause I just found out my roomate is allergic to shavings too and since she will be helping me with cleaning and such I need something to work for the both of us.

If you ever think of the name of the product PLEASE let me know.
I have seen the crinkled paper and it looks nice. There is also CareFresh in various colors.
you guys are the best! thanks so much, these will work out great. Now just to figure out if they ship the canada
Cool idea with the crinkled paper substrate, and it looks good too! But I would be suspicious of the scented variety, since corn snakes have sensitivities to air fresheners and detergents and various house hold chemicals. Have you (or anyone on the forums) used it?
I think you could use fish tank decor, but make sure there's no little holes for him to get up into! Also make sure you check for sharp edges and sand them down :)
I have not used it before but I am gonna give it a try, I didn't read carefully but it is scented??? That would be a issue for me...
I dont believe that kind is scented! I have used it when my kids had hamsters! Just regular old recycled paper! I might use the oder control one with snakes but the other is fine!
You can also go to a craft store, and get modeling clay, that is colored. You make what you want, then cook it in the stove. It then becomes hard and can break, but depending on how you design it, it should not harm you snakes.

My younger brother designs different things using it. I plan on trying to make a hide out of the clay in a couple of weeks.
Hilary, are you talking about polymer or femo clay? I had never thought of using that to make decorations before, but that sounds like an awesome idea as long as it's non toxic for my corn!
I think, I posted on the wrong thread...how that happened, I don't have a clue...weird.

To tell you the truth, I am not sure of the name..but the clay comes in squares. After it bakes, it becomes really hard, and I really don't think it is toxic at all.

I'll ask my brother today, what the clay is called. ;)

The clay is called sculpty.
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