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Denver Zoo hatches 4 Komodo dragons


Gecko Wrangler
DENVER – The Denver Zoo says it's become the only zoo in the world to hatch endangered Komodo dragons for a third time.

The zoo said Thursday that in its latest feat, four dragons have hatched and four are still in the incubator.

Denver Zoo Curator of Reptiles and Fishes Rick Haeffner says the zoo is only the second one in North America to hatch the dragons this year.

The four should be on display in the nursery soon.

Komodo dragons are the world's largest species of lizard and can grow to be 10 feet long and more than 250 pounds. They have a vicious bite and have about 60 razor-sharp, serrated teeth up to 1 inch long.

Between 3,000 and 5,000 Komodo dragons are left in the wild.

Thanks for the interesting news. I wandered on over to google to read more (like how old they live to be),...and got caught up reading about 'superfecundation' and parthenogenesis and komodo genetics.