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Didnt really know where to put this...


New member
Ok well i didnt know where to put this so to be safe its here...

WELL I wanted to introduce my self ive been here a while but never posted so hi im 14 and live in Va and i have tons of questions..... So lets get started

1. anyone know about any reptile expos in norther Va?
2.I want a Corn snake SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad but! i have a mali uromastyx and i am most likely gonna sell it because well its quite hard to take care of and very mean to me (will never go to petsmart again)
3. MY MOM HATES SNAKES anyway i can convince her i cant really hide it..
4.I would take excelent care due tot he fact if have a 30g tank already from my uro and all i need is substrate and a uth cause i use a lamp right now i have tons of hides so yea...
5.I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE TO POST SO YEA...:awcrap::awcrap::awcrap::eatsmiley...
Wow...where to begin.
Welcome to the site. You should take the time to learn a lot about corns and snakes in general and perhaps take the time to make up a presentation to give to your Mom.
Then understand that you need to respect her desires in her house and prepare to wait until you are 18 and living on your own before you can ever have a snake.
There are reptile expos, please look at the mid-atlantic sub forum here on the site for more info on that front.

But most importantly...what exactly do you find hard about the Uro? How long have you had it? Why are you giving up on him? Please consider not selling him but giving him to a reptile rescue like Charm City Reptiles or www.roxiesfund.org run by a member here so he does not just end up going from home to home.
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1. I think googling 'reptile expo' will work.
2. If it's 'mean' to you and hard to take care of, it sounds like you haven't taken very good care of it and don't handle it enough/properly.
I agree with whippet. Why do you want to sell it (besides to make money)? Why not give it up to a shelter of some sort?
3. Learn about corn snakes: their size, general temperament, ect.
4. 30gal tank would be pretty big for a small, young corn. Do you have the money to get fake plants and lots of hides so the corn does not get stressed and die?
5. The intro or Basic Husbandry section would probably have worked.
Mali uromastyx are not a beginner's lizard, for sure. It's good for you to recognize that it might be more lizard than you can handle.

But, if the problem was that you weren't aware how hard it would be to care for, please make sure you don't have the same problem with a corn. You can't blame Petsmart if you didn't do any research and just relied on them to tell you how to take care of it. No pet store can tell you everything you need to know about caring for a pet. You can't just walk in with no idea of what an animal needs, talk to an employee for a few minutes and take a pet home. You need to do your research before hand. For this reason, whippet's idea of making up a presentation for your mom is an excellent idea....you will have to do your research.

Whatever you end up doing with your mali, please make sure the new owner knows how to take care of it and knows what they are getting into and that this is not their first lizard.
Hey I'm in NoVA. There is a show the 1st of May. I will be there. Check out Rick Krumrine reptiles he has the best stuff.
I have a uro that, while I wouldn't describe him as mean, is NOT a fan of being handled. He's like a wild animal. I just leave him alone and let him be like that, except for maybe a photoshoot once or twice a year. I agree, a uro is semi-high maintenance, both diet-wise and habitat-wise. Any adult cornsnake is WAY more fun and so much simpler to care for.
I agree that a Uro isn't that easy to look after... Well not as simple as some reptiles...
Well done you for spotting that and deciding to do the right thing...
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A uro is fine if you have a LOT of money to set it up right, and are able to order all the supplements on the Internet and go to the grocery store weekly for the greens and have a food processor to grind up all the beans and Mazuri and so on. Day to day, it's not hard. It's the set up and shopping that is complex. They require a massive heat gradient, for example. While not difficult to achieve, it requires space to do so.

I wonder if you can find out what specifically your mom hates about snakes, and then find one that isn't that. Like they get too big, they bite, they have to eat live food, they smell, they are slimy, etc.
Lol ok im trying and trying also another question my mom said yes to the cornsnake so im going to get one second i like the blood reds or one with stripes i think there cool or butters anyone know where i can get one AND i want one as a hatchling i kinda wanna see it grow but is that a bad idea should get like a sub adult i was at petsmart today i saw a little one that was black and white i thought i want it but i heard never buy from petstores
or one with stripes i think there cool or butters

you mean one of these?

My first suggestion would be to buy some punctuation. Please.
Next...a stripe or amel stripe would be a great choice. They are pretty reasonably priced at expos and they would be fun to watch grow.
What did you decide to do about the uromastix?
umm ok. well i think im gonna sell the uro. but i really want an all yellow corn they just look sooo cool what morph would that be?
Lol ok im trying and trying also another question my mom said yes to the cornsnake so im going to get one second i like the blood reds or one with stripes i think there cool or butters anyone know where i can get one AND i want one as a hatchling i kinda wanna see it grow but is that a bad idea should get like a sub adult i was at petsmart today i saw a little one that was black and white i thought i want it but i heard never buy from petstores

um well u kinda said u got ur uro at petsmart now u are looking at a corn a petsmart un well dont u thnk that might be a bad aidea and well u r jst way to excited over this without doing the research and un well like are u for real or do u just have the day off school cuz like well peeps on here jst so excited to help but be serious and well uh u dont seem to be really serious bout this
3. MY MOM HATES SNAKES anyway i can convince her i cant really hide it..
4.I would take excelent care due tot he fact if have a 30g tank already from my uro and all i need is substrate and a uth cause i use a lamp right now i have tons of hides so yea....

Ok, i am not gonna be so nice here. Sorry but someone has to sound like a parent.
Your gonna have to do a few things to prove to your Mom that you deserve a snake.
Before you get your snake, your gonna sell your Uro. Well, you need to think like a parent here. you mom is gonna wonder why you no longer want this animal. It doesn't sound like its to happy at all and not doing the best.
Odd are this is was a $100 animal that now you want to get rid of. You mother may not be to pleased at that. Spent good money on this animal and now you want to get rid of it?
How long have you had it? Probably not very long, less than a few years, i bet.
Now your trick is to get rid of this Lizard you are no longer wanting and probably bored with and convince your Mother to get you a snake.
She might be afraid you are gonna get bored with this animal as most teenagers do. Sorry but David is the exception of the rule here. He is 16 and proved to many of us he is committed to this hobby and his pets.

The thing for you, you have to do this with your Mother. Not just keeping a snake in the house but keeping frozen rodents in the freezer. You do not want to feed live.
A squeamish mother is going to have a horrified look on her face when asked to keep frozen rodents in her freezer.

I suggest taking a step back do your research and look into getting a snake.
Next, contact David aka Snakemaster24, and see if he can give you some pointers. You both are a few years apart and he would be willing to help. Meet up at the show, get to know each other. Have him show you around at this next show. Do not buy anything, just window shop. Have him introduce you to the people he knows there. Get to know some of those local breeders.
Buy Kathy Loves Cornsnake Manual and read that forwards and backwards. Its a really good book with very good information and its Cheap.

By doing this and showing a passion in the animal and waiting will help convince a squeamish mother to allow a snake in her house.

To be honest, I also have a Uro here and I will say yes they are not easy to care for but he is far easier than some of my snakes. Which I need to buy him a new UVB bulb.
Hey brand new. I'm David. I live in NoVA and I have around 20 snakes, a crestie, a horned frog and a turtle....and counting :). Next show look for me. I usually wear Kaki shorts, tennis shoes, a snakeT-shirt and a hoodie rolled up at the sleeves. I will be hard to miss. I started this hobby with a Garter but my first CB snake was a little Petco amel. When I brought him home I thought I will be the best keeper in the world. My set up was horrific, I did not know wha I was doing. That was 5 years ago. That snake is not a nice fat happy corn along with his multiple brethran. The point it snakes are not an easy pet. The snake did not eat for months. I finally got my husbandry up to code and started to listen to what people said. I really got into it in 2008. My numbers exploded because my mom saw I am going no where else but up with the hobby. We have plans in place for college. It is really a big responsibility but I am willing if you are serious to help you the whole way!
Hey brand new. I'm David. I live in NoVA and I have around 20 snakes, a crestie, a horned frog and a turtle....and counting :). Next show look for me. I usually wear Kaki shorts, tennis shoes, a snakeT-shirt and a hoodie rolled up at the sleeves. I will be hard to miss. I started this hobby with a Garter but my first CB snake was a little Petco amel. When I brought him home I thought I will be the best keeper in the world. My set up was horrific, I did not know wha I was doing. That was 5 years ago. That snake is not a nice fat happy corn along with his multiple brethran. The point it snakes are not an easy pet. The snake did not eat for months. I finally got my husbandry up to code and started to listen to what people said. I really got into it in 2008. My numbers exploded because my mom saw I am going no where else but up with the hobby. We have plans in place for college. It is really a big responsibility but I am willing if you are serious to help you the whole way!
Hey David,
Just wanted to give you a thumbs up for being totally a totally awesome role model for other teens. I think it's great that you are willing to admit that you didn't do things right when you first got your snake, and willing to help those who are younger than you or who don't know as much as you do about snakes. Great advice :)
How long have you had it? Probably not very long, less than a few years, i

i have had my mali for 5years now and its not that im giving it up I LOVE HIM, but he is alot of hard work i mean im going into highschool next year, and i need to keep my grades up, and i have a social life and hes just hard i always have to look to my mother to feed him when im out but i think a snake would be better like i could buy a seperate tank and leave it down at my granparent when i go down for the summer they in live in Va to

Also actuly to your surprise i have done alot of info i dont know if i told you this but i have been looking through your post for about 2weeks watched youtube vids ive printed and read tons of care sheets i mean i have done my fare amount of reaserch so i kinda have an idea

Um to david i would love to come meet you at a snake show its in Nova? the school? if so you live really close to me.. and 2nd dont know if my mom would let she knows how i get about thing i attach and i would proably end up doing it with out her permission and since i bought she cant get rid of it but i kinda wanna do this the right way. also i dont think i could tell my mom "oh well hi this is david i meet him online at a forum" SHE WOULD FLIP! so yea...

also how expensive are most corns usualy?
i have had my mali for 5years now and its not that im giving it up I LOVE HIM, but he is alot of hard work i mean im going into highschool next year, and i need to keep my grades up, and i have a social life and hes just hard i always have to look to my mother to feed him when im out but i think a snake would be better like i could buy a seperate tank and leave it down at my granparent when i go down for the summer they in live in Va to

Also actuly to your surprise i have done alot of info i dont know if i told you this but i have been looking through your post for about 2weeks watched youtube vids ive printed and read tons of care sheets i mean i have done my fare amount of reaserch so i kinda have an idea

Um to david i would love to come meet you at a snake show its in Nova? the school? if so you live really close to me.. and 2nd dont know if my mom would let she knows how i get about thing i attach and i would proably end up doing it with out her permission and since i bought she cant get rid of it but i kinda wanna do this the right way. also i dont think i could tell my mom "oh well hi this is david i meet him online at a forum" SHE WOULD FLIP! so yea...

also how expensive are most corns usualy?
BrandNew, I feel that you fail to get your point across due to the lack of punctuation. To me, that is part of what makes me think you are not serious about this. If you were serious I feel that you would take the time to punctuate well and get your point across. It sounded like you are planning on leaving your snake at your grandparents and only seeing it in the summer? I do not think this is a good idea at all. A snake needs constant temperature monitoring and feeding once every 5 days. This is not something you should be leaving up to someone else. Make sure you have time for this when you go to high school.