I <3 Stripes!
Bear in mind that this area is pretty new and unless it is useful, Rich can simply *pooff* (Gone)...
Exactly. So make quality threads.
Do you mean to copy and paste all the posts from a thread into a new one? I don't think I (or anyone else besides Rich and moderators) can do that.
No, she meant the actual DIY post. Then you can just link to the existing thread if someone wants to read more.
Something along the lines of this:
Originally posted: 05/23/2002
Click here to view original thread
at the top of the post.
Nanci said:I think you could copy and past the whole thing, pictures and all, too. I have a thread of mine I want to move here, but I thought just a link would be kind of sucky.
Do it! Do it! Do it! We need to fill 'er up!