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do you smoke?

I just quit on the second of January ( didn't want it to be a New Years resolution). I let my son put the patch on my arm. He was so happy I was quitting. I used the patch for the first few weeks and then just decided that was enough and the only real problem I'm having is a winter-quitting-smoking weight gain...30lbs. blah....I know I can drop it pretty quick when I start to work out again and Spring comes so I can get out and move around a bit...
Well, take alcohol for example. There are now numerous studies that show a benefit from moderate alcohol consumption. (Moderate being one serving for women, two for men, a day). I don't believe the same can be said for cigarettes.
Very true Nanci!
I quit smoking at least twice a week. :p I'd like to give it up permanently but being military it's awful hard. Everyone around you smokes and let's face it, against the prospect over some other things I've had to face (ied's, ambushes etc) smoking a cigarette didn't seem to significant. Although I am 30 now and have been smoking a good 15 years, so it's high time I got around to stopping altogether. I remember reading a study somewhere that if you quit by approximately age 30, chances are good you can somewhat reverse the damage and lower your risk for cancer dramatically.
I'm a dirty nasty smoker. I love my Marlboro reds! I'm going to die eventually, so I might as well enjoy life while I can.
My grandfather on my moms side died of complications from a surgery for esophageal cancer. He had quit almost 30 years prior. My grandfather on my dads side still smokes like a chimney and will be 84 years old this year.
On that note, if I ever do get cancer, I'm gonna rent a private plane and crash it into a cliff. No chemo for me. I saw what it did to my grandfather.
Right on Robbie!!! I am a dirty nasty smoker too and nothing gives me more joy!!! I smoke with my coffee, before and after meals, and just about any other time I can to be honest. I don't smoke in the house for the kids sake nor did I when I was pregnant but its because the smell from them made me vomit!! I am not a drinker maybe once or twice a year I'll go out with the girls, but other than that my cigs keep me sane. I wish i didn't really for the expense part, but I'd rather die happy than crave something and keep myself from doing it for the next 30-50 years. You only live once and I do whatever makes me happy!!!
I smoke but not as much as I used to. It's more of an after the kids go to bed thing now. A long time ago a pack a day was the norm. With all 3 of my kids I quit as soon as I found out I was pregnant, then went back to it with in a year after having them. I am a polite smoker though, don't smoke around others who don't, not in my house and only in my car if the kids are not in it. We have friends that smoke and on a very rare occasion they get to smoke in my kitchen, with the windows open. LOL
I remember growing up, my Mom used to smoke near a little exhaust fan in our kitchen when she thought I wasn't noticing, or otherwise outside. I'll admit, I can't recall watching her smoke or ever smelling it. She was very cautious about that. This of course was years and years and years ago... she's been without for about 8 or 9 years, but she occasionally tells me that she still has the urge every once in awhile.

I personally have never smoked. I'm a pretty finicky person, and one of those--er, finicks?--is that the idea of inhaling smoke skeeves me out! Hell, I hold my breath when I cross the road to avoid inhaling exhaust. It's just a thing, I suppose.
I would like to point out that there are things to smoke besides cigs, and no I don't mean drugs. I mean pipes, cigars, hookah pipes. Its just that cigs are what everybody seems to immediately think of when someone mentions the word smoking.

That being said, I absolutely, completely, and totally DESPISE cigarettes!

But occasionally, meaning once or twice a month if not less, a pipe or cigar is enjoyable. Cigars are pushing it though, because of the smell. With pipes you can get all sorts of pleasant smells that may even make it more pleasant in the room than if the person wasn't smoking.

I do recognize that it is still bad for your health however, secondhand smoke is a dangerous thing, hence the long intervals between partaking, usually at a birthday party with friends or something similar.
I quit some time ago, but since have accepted that I will have the occasional slip when I'm out at bars or what-not, I rarely go out anymore, so that's like 4 times a year, lol.
I still have a collection of pipes and my shisha pipe I brought back from Iraq (ugly one), and a really pretty shisha pipe I bought in little Armenia down Hollywood way.. They are all collecting dust. I enjoy the occasional cigar, but I'm scared to have one since I quit cigarettes. The occasional drunken ciggy is one thing, I'm pretty sure the nicotine punch in a pipe or cigar would be a pretty difficult thing to recover from next day, lol.
My Uncle smoked a pipe before he had open heart surgeries (yeah, plural). I always thought pipe smoke smelled so good. I couldn't imagine seeing myself with a pipe! I think I would look so silly! :p
My Uncle smoked a pipe before he had open heart surgeries (yeah, plural). I always thought pipe smoke smelled so good. I couldn't imagine seeing myself with a pipe! I think I would look so silly! :p

Hah! I felt the same way even though I loved them. I used to sort of hide and smoke them, just cause I always felt like I was 'posing' as something, lol. But it is my favorite way to smoke.. Sadly never again. :crying:
I am a smoker - have been for 20yrs now. I can honestly say the only reason I have not quit is that my will power sucks. I know it is bad for me - I know logically I can and should quit (I have a couple times for a few months at a time), but my will power is just horrible.
Knowing my luck - as soon as I do manage to quit, I will get hit by a bus or something!
I've been a smoker for over 10 years now. I hate it and wish I had the will power to quit. I quit when I was pregnant because the taste made me vomit(one of the reasons I went and got tested) and actually stayed quit for about 6 months until someone offered me a cigarette on break at work one day and I said "what the hell". I've tried to quit off and on since then and I just can't stay quit. I will say that I have cut back tremendously by rolling my own cigarettes. It's so much of a hassle to do that I just don't find myself smoking as much. I refuse to roll a pack at a time and instead roll a cigarette at a time. So I rarely ever smoke when I'm not at home because I just don't have any cigarettes. Plus, living here in Ohio makes it nearly impossible to smoke anywhere but at home anyway. Which is fine with me because it helps me out.
I have smoked for 7 years now. I'm quite happy with my habit. I have no wish to quit, I like the taste too much and I enjoy nothing more than a cool beer, a big dirty fag and great company (that also smoke). I am going to die at some point. Whether it's tomorrow or in 50 years. I like my bad habits and I am going to enjoy them while I can :)

Luckily my BF smokes too... worse than me. He smokes cigars as often as he can afford.
I quit for over ten years and started back a little over a year ago. I turn 40 in April, and really don't want to be a smoker in my 40's. It's really a horrible habit, I wish I didn't love them so.
I quit for over ten years and started back a little over a year ago. I turn 40 in April, and really don't want to be a smoker in my 40's. It's really a horrible habit, I wish I didn't love them so.
One thing I specifically remember hearing once ( I have no idea where, a movie or something) was this " anyone who smokes after 40 is stupid" something about that stuck with me and I decided I would definitely quit before 40! that's this year. Another quote anti to that is " live right, eat healthy and exercise...you still die....lol"
For me, I got tired of being a slave to it...I was two pack a day guy....almost three at one point when I was a carpenter many years ago, everyone smoked all day while working...I can't stand the smell of it now.
ForkedTung, that reminds me of a guy who I worked with in construction awhile back. I never asked him how much he smoked but it must've been 4+ packs a day. He only used 3 matches all day!