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Easy temperature control idea

Now the combo you are trying is a good way to make sure your UTH never gets too hot in case of thermostat failure. Say setting the rheostat to 95, and your thermostat to 87. Then if your thermostat never shut off, it should never get above 95 ish. It's not something I do, but I can see how it wouldn't be a bad idea.

I have the thermostat probe and the thermometer probe taped together, and pinned down underneath the hot side hide. Before I taped them I had instances where the thermometer would be reading a few degrees difference a couple inches away. If you have a thermostat that gives a readout as well, this wouldn't be a problem. But you always need to make sure you are reading the same thing in the same place.

It's really like a house, the more heat you can retain the less your furnace runs. And before you worry to much about it, think back to if you've ever noticed it cool off or warm up 3-5 degrees in your room. It does all the time, but it's rarely noticable.

Also, what amount of time does the swing take place that you are seeing? My temps are on more during the day, and fluctuate more at night. But that's probably because this time of year there is a 30 degree difference outside day to night.
How much is a proportional / pulsing stat?

I don't know about in your country, but Helix's run $139-146 and Big Apples Herp Power is $120 (as examples).

And are they THAT much better?

Yes, they are. A proportional thermostat regulates the temperature by adjusting the flow of electricity based on the temperature at the probe rather than shutting it off completely like an on/off thermostat. These type of thermostats have a much tighter control of temperature, as little as +/- 0.5°F. I'm guessing you didn't read the article I linked in post #3 describing the differences?
Think of a proportional as the little guy turning your thermostat on and off getting a pay raise to sit there and constantly tweak your rheostat :D
Triplemoons yeah i read that link, kind of explained what i know about them already. Good article. I understand how they work, just wanted see if peoples personal experiences backed up their claims.

Susielea! Ive used that 888 site before and missed those stats! Is the Microclimate B2 the proportional type that we're talking about: http://www.888reptiles.co.uk/productdetails.php?ProductID=1832&ProductGroupID=932

xjsport: i think my little thermostat guy is a lazy slob, he's like "right, its reached 89f, ill turn it off and have a sleep... Zzzzzzzz..... OH NO! its 79f! i missed my cue!"

I should sack that lazy git.
Right, got the dimming plugs, kept the temp pretty stable (87.5-89.1), hooked them up through the stat and had an emergency cut off of 93f.

But now ive switched to my microclimate b1's, they keep the temp a lot more stable than the on/off type, quite a bit more! Within 1 degree fahrenheit!

Thanks for all your help
I got my cheap on/off thermostat in the other day, my temps varied ~83-~90. So a near 10 degree temp swing. For what it's worth it's on the same outlet as my gecko tank, and same thermostat. So the temp variations are caused by the substrate differences, and the different stand types. I threw in a piece of tile, that tightened things up to a roughly 5 degree difference, closing in the bottom should make it even closer.

Glad you had good luck getting yours straightened out. :cheers: