Patients took over asylum
So, I've been floating around Amazon adding to my list of books I want to get eventually (list is topping 500 books or so now). I've considered replacing my collection of hardcopy books with eReader versions, though it would be expensive and I'm not sure if it's feasible. I had a couple of questions for those who have eReaders, specifically iPads and Kindles.
I have never seen an ebook being read in person, so if these questions sound dumb, please excuse.
I'm an Apple person. I have a Macbook, Ipod, and Iphone. I think it'd be nice to complete the collection eventually with an Ipad. I'm looking for a book reader and I know Ipad does it. I've read that Kindle is easier to read in the sun, which is important to me as I like reading outside.
Those who have eReaders, how is your outdoor viewing?
Also, I want a lot of books that have graphics (Manga, textbooks, gardening, field guides, etc). From what I understand, Kindle does not display color. Does Ipad? How important is it to you that your graphics are colored?
Any additional advice or vices you care to share about your reader?
I have never seen an ebook being read in person, so if these questions sound dumb, please excuse.
I'm an Apple person. I have a Macbook, Ipod, and Iphone. I think it'd be nice to complete the collection eventually with an Ipad. I'm looking for a book reader and I know Ipad does it. I've read that Kindle is easier to read in the sun, which is important to me as I like reading outside.
Those who have eReaders, how is your outdoor viewing?
Also, I want a lot of books that have graphics (Manga, textbooks, gardening, field guides, etc). From what I understand, Kindle does not display color. Does Ipad? How important is it to you that your graphics are colored?
Any additional advice or vices you care to share about your reader?