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Egg Questions


Snakes and more Snakes
On august 25th I was doing routine cleaning when I came across 7 eggs layed by my recently acquired hypo motley girl. 3 were slugs and 4 looked decent. I have since had them in pearlite in a incubator at around 80 degrees give or take 2 degrees depending on the weather (Michigan). They have all looked great since all white and plump, they seemed to have grown slightly. This is my first time ever having eggs so Im new to this. But today I looked in the incubator (has a clear top) and one of the eggs has changed. Still looks plump but has a much larger clearish spot, sort of see through and looks like it may be changing colors?? Is this a sign that my egg is going bad? Any suggestions? The other 3 still look the same no change. Any Idea when I should expect them to hatch if they were layed on or Close to August 25th? Thanks Much Amanda :shrugs:
Eggs can get clearish 'windows' but that doesn't mean they have gone bad, if they seem to be growing that's a good sign. I tend to keep them in the incubator even when they look sketchy because I'm scared to affect the good eggs by messing with the clutch to remove the suspicious looking ones. If they were laid on Aug 25 you probably still have about another month before they hatch. Good luck!