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Eggs Caving


New member
:bird: First ever clutch... Day 55... Needless to say I am geeking out right now. Checked eggs this morning and 2 were caving slightly. Got home tonight and all 5 eggs have dents in them. From what I have researched this means pippies soon. I am trying to remain calm and patient, however it is just not working... :crazy02: :headbang: I have candled them and have seen movement in all of them. How do you guys do it? I want to laugh and cry at the same time!!!!! The breeding is from motley ghost het blood & blizzard... CAN NOT WAIT *sigh
Breathe!!!! Just breathe... lol and soon you will see noses like this...:)

Then go nuts running around the house until you pass out because you forgot to breathe :)

:poke: Can't sleep... checked them again. More denting. ARGH!!! No slices yet and watch these little critters peep out while I am at work today. *facepalm* just glad I have next three days off...

Buzzard: You are right, woooosaaaa... :)
Kate: Eggsactly. hehe... get it?
Nanci: No ma'am. Just more denting. I hope they wait until tonight or tomorrow while I am here... I wont be back at my house for another 13 hours!!!! *pulls hair out*
It's better when they do it when you're at work! If they do it over a long weekend (I always seem to have eggs hatching this weekend...) then you have to try so hard to not check like every hour!!
I've got tenterhooks when my girls are due to lay, then a bit of a relax for 50 days, then every year it's the fight against checkitis when those eggs start denting! Something else gets me excited, just before they hatch there's a distinct smell like bell peppers that comes from the eggs, give 'em a sniff!
They smell def of pepper... no pips yet! I am so scared that they are gonna suffocate. Today is exactly day 60 and how long after the cave in and look all deflated do I consider cutting the eggs open?
Just to give you and idea... this is what is driving me bonkers...

To be honest, they look much more caved than the typical denting before they hatch. Is your humidity okay? Did you ever candle them?? It is possible that they may not be fertile...
definitely fertile. candled and veins and movement in them all. just odd how 4 out of 5 dent at day 55+ and number five is still plump... humidity is fine, but as of tonight I hate to move them and disturb them but i changed out the moss with new moss and squeezed it until i couldn't get a drop of water out, then fluffed it and replaced the eggs nestled in about half in half showing put a paper towel over the whole thing and replaced the lid, that way no excess moisture will drip on them from the lid condensation. sooooo. I guess I will hold out bc that last egg still looks awesome sooooo. idk..... fingers crossed. maybe I will get lucky...
YAY!! thank you!!! getting my baby bins ready! looks like a snow or a blizzard, or maybe even a quartz!!! too early to tell!!!! phantom maybe??? so excited!!!!!!