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I went to get Evie out and she's got blue belly, so I didn't feed her....I'm excited! This is going to be her first shed since we got her. I'll post pix after the shed. :D
Me too, Tavia!

It's funny, I just changed out her water and freshened up her moist hide and gave the Viv a water misting. So I've been watching her for the last 12 minutes. She's been doing the mouth stretch like, "darn! I almost got a meal!". But she's been drinking lots of water in the that short time. So as soon as I grab the camera to try getting some blue belly shots, I get a nice juicy pee shot in Macro. Weird.
Even if she was part of a Miami project or something like that, she would still be a Normal/ Classic. Miamis are line bred Classics, and could technically be classified as Normals.
Judging from the pictures in your linked thread, I think you can safely call her a Miami Phase. Even though you might not know her bloodline, the "phase" phrase saves you because well.. she looks like a Miami! She has a very pretty silvery background.

Great shots so far! This should be a very fun thread.

Thank you Jessica! I have seen that "phase" thing many many times but wasn't a 100% on what it really ment. So if I am understanding this calling somthing a phase thing correctly. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck but you can't "prove" it's a duck then we will call it a duck phase?
Thanks RS360...that was sweet!

I'm trying to document Evie's shed since it's a first for me with an adult snake. This was taken an hour ago...(and in case anyone 'new' thinks Evie is fat, she's not...just her butt is...she has "hips")


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Thank you Jessica! I have seen that "phase" thing many many times but wasn't a 100% on what it really ment. So if I am understanding this calling somthing a phase thing correctly. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck but you can't "prove" it's a duck then we will call it a duck phase?

Yes, I think "duck" phase says it very well!

I LOVE this thread!! Tina, I wish I could kidnap you so you could take a few pics of my kids. You are really good with a camera !
Thanks (((Beth)))!

I decided to try getting one more pic of Evie in Blue (Day 3). God bless her! She was so pitiful looking when The Mister pulled up her hide for me...her head was all kinds of jerky trying to turn it and look at us. I can only imagine how it might feel to try turning my head while my skin was getting all crispy like and ready for a good peel. But at least I've got pix now, so I won't ever bug her during a shed again...my poor baby


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OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG...I'm so excited I feel like crying and puking (from sheer excitement) at the same time! I caught Evie peeking out of her hide and Video'd and photographed her entire shed!!!! It was AMAZING...the sound was pretty cool, too. Pix and video to come...
Can't wait to see! It is amazing how much noise they can make shedding, isn't it?
Tavi has woken me up a few times while she was shedding in the night.
I totally love that first pic, it shows off the anatomy so well, I saved it for educational purposes, hope you don't mind :D
Thanks for letting me share in this, my big girls first shed with us! To say I was excited is such an understatement. Since Evie is big (53"), I found her shed experience completely and utterly fascinating.

Here's a few pix...


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Way to scrunch your shed up into a ball, Evie! I always laugh when my snakes leave me sheds like that.

You're lucky that you caught her in time to get pictures. Most of the time I just come home/wake up to a shed skin in the tank and miss the whole event.
Its great when that happens. Just now my little hypo stripe crawled out of her hide and shed right next to me while I was working at my computer. Perfect shed, happy snake. Loving this thread, keep 'em coming.
Thank you All! I have video coming too! Of course the battery died after 20 minutes, but I got some good stuff. I kept an eye on Evie because I knew that it was coming soon. So I set up the video camera on the tripod, had my headset phone on so I could call The Mister at work, had the digital camera hanging on my wrist and when it was happening was also holding up a blanket behind me to block out window reflections...it was hilarious!

Oneirogenisis, I really am lucky enough to work from home, so I'm checking in on my snakes pretty much constantly, lol.

Onarian, That's very neat that you got to watch your little one! I haven't caught either of my 2010's yet...but 'one day' ;)

Vetusvates and NWHeather, thank you very much! I need to go check out pix of Marrok.
Evie is alive and well and doing her impersonation of a pretzel. ;)
