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Extreme Reverse Okeetee and Sunglow Stripe


New member
I have two gorgeous corns in need of new homes, both are friendly, great eaters, never had an issue with either.

First up is a 2013 female Extreme Reverse Okeetee from Stephen Roylace. Very lovely girl, eating large adult mice f/t. These pics of her are old only because she's deep in blue at the moment. I can, of course, get updated pics as soon as she sheds. Asking price $200 shipped




Second corn is a late 2012 male Sunglow Stripe from SMR. Love the color on this guy, sad to see him go for sure. Also eating large f/t adult mice. Asking price $150 shipped




Take them both for $300 shipped.

Thanks everyone!
Why are these amazing animals still here? I must not be the only one with no pennies these days:(
Lol I'd be more than happy to put one or both on hold provided some sort of deposit was made. I've been deciding on rehoming them through the winter but it's only just recently that the weather has warmed up enough in my area. I'd just like to see them go to decent homes.

As promised, here's updated pics of the ERO. It's been cloudy and rainy for 18 days straight here..so no sunshine pics unfortunately.






Not a great pic, but shows of how clean her whites are more clearly
Are snakes still for sale?

These fit right into several projects I have in mind, so I'm game for both. Please contact me at [email protected]. My telephone is 847-329-7303. Both have that WOW factor that's so hard to find. I'll be around all weekend if you want to give me a call.
Neil Trais
At the moment they are on 'hold' till Thursday. Whether the deal goes through with the current interested party or not, regardless I will post an update here if they are still available or sold.

Thanks for looking!