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So I just went to feed Fiamma this morning and was greeted with a rattling tail and her striking violently at me! She keeps ramming herself against the tank walls when she sees me, and is perched straight up like a Cobra! Fiamma is normally the sweetest snake on the planet, and I have NEVER seen her like this before, EVER. I was wondering if it has something to do with her hormones? She just shed 2 days ago, and is 3 1/2 years old. Normally, a baby in a pissy mood wouldn't phase me, but she being an adult and never acting like this before jolted me a little bit. Could it be because of hunger? She wasn't fed for about 11 days because I was at the end of my adult mice and the new order wasn't here yet. The last one I had to give her was accidently dropped and nearly eatan by a dog, so I had to get a pack from the store before she could eat. I don't know, but if you have any suggestions as to why she's acting like Satan on a bad day, I'd like to here em! :)

She is probably hungry and smells food. Though 11 days is not long for a snake to go if they are adult and eating adult mice--that is almost a regular intervel for my snakes in between eating.
See, that's what I thought Sarah. She has a tendancy to gain weight so she's fed about every 10 days. The weird thing is that the food wasn't even near her yet, it was outside in the hallway. All I did was open her tank so I could move her water bowl. :shrugs:
You'd be surprised. A change in your smell can have this effect. Perhaps she is just hungry then if you haven't changed anything.
Could be she is hungry, you startled her or breeding season is making her moody. I've found that even if they are used to being fed about every 10 days, females tend to be a bit hungrier at this time of year. They need to gain weight for breeding and egg laying. I'd feed her and see if she's calm later. I have a feeling you just scared her and she's not backing down. LOL
You know what they say about female roommates and their cycles synching? Maybeee..... How's YOUR mood today? :grin01:

I have a king with a nasty attitude. Came from Dean..go figure. ;) When he's like that, I put his mouse in the tub right in the viv and toss a sheet over the tank for the day.

I'm sure that did cause a bit of a jolt for ya, though!
You know what they say about female roommates and their cycles synching? Maybeee..... How's YOUR mood today? :grin01:

Hahaha, Lori. I'd say you're right, but I don't get those kind of mood swings. I haven't had to deal with that crap for a long time. Since I got so thin, it's gone and hasn't come back since! :::score:::
You know what they say about female roommates and their cycles synching? Maybeee..... How's YOUR mood today? :grin01:


Omg if I were a coffee drinker I think I would have just done the infamous "I just spewed coffee all over my keyboard!" thing! Lmao!!
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How old is she? Have you recently moved her or changed her enviorment in any way including even something as small as thrown a sweater near her tank/cage?
My nanner went through an identical phase, right after I had moved in with my mom for a short time. He was just a baby at the time, and would repeatedly thrust himself against the glass, hiss, and just go nutts everytime he saw me.
Its a common behavior in adapting to change, it could also just be a shedding thing some snakes get cranky and dont like being bothered around shedding time.
I would suggest if the behavior continues for more then a couple weeks, consult a vet if you have one for reptiles near you. I dont think this is the issue but snakes will get very irate if there is a health issue or some form of discomfort keeping her on edge.