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finally, first bite over with...

Does a 6,5 foot Taiwanese Beauty locked into the web of your hand in full constriction mode for about 20 - 25 minutes count.
I think I really am in the bite club too now! Fed all my snakes yesterday. Hadn't even got the mice out yet (so no mouse smell). But apparently my new kingsnake didn't want to wait and decided to try and eat me (I've named him Jormungand). It wasn't his usual love taps lol! He grabbed my finger right below the second knuckle and was biting with all his strength and constricting my hand so hard it was turning purple. I was just about to run him under some nice cold water when he finally decided that eating my hand wasn't going to work. Jeeze it makes me love the fact that my corns are sooooo calm! I'm gonna have to get a snake hook for this boy. He is very cage aggressive too. I thought my other king, Jack was bad. Compared to his new brother, Jack is a perfect angel lol.
I was at a river and my dad finds this 3ft garter snake,I wanted to hold it. I go over and ask if I can, he puts the garter in my hands, and I did not know how to hold a snake then cause I was three.So I squeezed it, It bit me right on top of my hand. That was my first bite.
I was about 13 or 14, my sisters cat cornered a black racer and I decided to try to grab its tail.... It tagged me twice, once on each hand. Before I finally pinned its head down... Once I picked it up it calmed down pretty fast, I stuck it in a 45 gal tank and it never struck again... Once my mom got home and saw a snake under the carport she freaked and made me let it go... Just like the time I caught a 5'3" speckled king snake... He/She was a definite keeper...

But, since I have been a member here, I have been waiting for my first bite.... Hopefully it is not when I am out Herping, I would rather not get bit by a rattler....lol
Where I live I think I have better chances of gettin bit by one of them than my new corn, but guess we will see. I've had a few close calls with rattlers working in some of the fields with my fiance's dad who's also my boss. lol. He should have got bit this past summer and is EXTREMELY lucky he didn't he reached under a rock to flip it to hook a chain on it and move it and when it flipped over rattlers went in every direction! None of them even tried to bite him.
First bite only counts on Corns when they are full grown. Baby corns do not count because you may or may not feel it.

Welcome to the group.

Love the Fatman

For cornsnake adults to qualify, your hand needs to smell like the 15 mice you've just handled. Then the corn needs to grab and constricts to the point that you need 45 seconds of running water to get it to let go. LOL

:rofl: :laugh01: :rofl: :laugh01:

LOVE these responces!! In the 5 years now that I've been keeping Corns, I've YET to be bitten by an adult! Come to think of it I think I've only owned one corn that even attempted to bite after reaching about 20g, and even he tamed down after awhile. I suppose I will have to graduate to a meaner species if I want to join the illustrius bite club. :rolleyes:

Hatchling bites are just so cute! I've actaually had a hatchling bite me in the face once (does that count?!), but it happened so quickly and felt so gentle that I think I might have smiled afterward!

Honestly, I'm much more afraid that one of my snakes will poop on me! It's such an unplesant experience and has happened frequently enough that I've actaully had dreams about it before!! :laugh:

To the OP: Can't wait to see those pics! Get some mean look'en hateling poses! For ideas just look at some of Nanci's posts!! ;)