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Finally got some videos--it's alive!

Very cool! Thanks for posting! I happen to have a headlamp from my firefighting days...now I know I can put it to use again. :)
That was the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life! I felt like I was looking at my kids on the ultrasound monitor all over. Geeze I even cried when it first moved, that is so wonderful and just plain neat. Words can not express it.
I candled my 60 day in corn's eggs last night. I thought I saw movement but wasn't sure they moved around in there. Now that I have seen these cool videos I know that they are. Thanks. :)
Totally awesome vids Steph!!! man I can not wait to show the daycare kids they will love them.
Very very cool Steph!! This would be the equivalent of kicking the mother's belly, if it had legs, and feet. And a mother's belly.

Dude, you continually crack me up!

Awesome videos! I gotta share those with my non-corn friends too!
Those were just the coolest videos, since I am new to corn snakes, just last August, I have never seen anything like it. I LOVED IT, Thanks for sharing,
Just showed my 11 yr old and he said at first he thought it was boring until he saw the snake move. Then he said that seeing the snake move was really pretty cool.

Thanks so much for the very cool vids, they really are awesome.
Yeah, I maybe should have trimmed the beginning down a bit more. But the length of it makes it surprising when it moves!
I would never have thought to look for movement in the eggs if it were not for your video. Thanks to you my kids and I got to see movement in our eggs tonight when we candled! We could only get at 7 of 10 but all 7 showed signs of movement. 1 seemed to try to hit the light with its head or tail! Thanks again for sharing with us.
LOL! No problem. Not all of mine move much. But I always seem to have one in a clutch that's a reliable mover. I candled mine the other night and the same egg was the one I could see moving most. I don't know if it's that the orientation of the egg makes it easier to see movement or if it's that that particular fetus just moves more. I have two eggs that are basically horizontal and only one of those fetuses moves a lot. :shrugs:
That is very interesting, Steph. You could do regular candling and record position and movement in all of your clutches over a year or two and see of there was a correlation to position versus movement and thus a correlation to the amount of movement and the size and muscle tone of the hatchling based on it's position.

You never know maybe you could be onto something here and discover that a certain position encourages more movement, which in turn make for a bigger stronger hatchling. :shrugs:

Then maybe people would be inclined to separate the eggs immediately after laying like many big breeders of other snakes do, but place them in the hatching medium in a specific position.

Just a thought.