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Finally I have pippies!


lost cause
After all the pacing and being a complete nervous fool, this is what I saw when I went to check the eggs (bad pic, and hard to see anyway, look in the middle of the pic between the eggs)

Halfway out of the egg, I'll leave him be for a while. Apparantly from one of the eggs underneath the clutch.:dancer::dancer::dancer:

YAY !!!


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Ok so everyone is going to leave me in the dust today. :headbang: Congrats and I am so glad that they are finally hatching for you. Now you can breath easier.
Congrats! The next 24-48 -ish hours are going to be torture ;)
Mine haven't even begun to make appearances...I think it will be a few days at least for my clutch.
the first one is out. Isn't he cute :D
Strange thing is that he's a real loner. no other noses are there.
So I'm back to waiting for noses???


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nice plump healthy snake you got there :) mine took over 35 hrs to leave the egg i still have 4 pippies and 2 unhatched 43 hrs after first pip... 7 "full snakes" lol the light one came out last, check it out in the gallery :)
I saw it, very nice hypo you got there!
Maybe this one has been pipping for a while too, I don't know. Apparantly he's not from an egg underneath, but from an egg hidden within the clutch. (no empty eggs underneath)
I was wondering wether the hidden egg would be able to hatch :)
Good luck with all your little pippies...and the waiting urggh...I'm only on day 42 so I've got a little longer to wait , and after reading all your posts here it's seems even harder to wait for mine to hatch now. I've got a clutch of 19 healthy viable eggs and it's my first one thats survived through this long in the incubation process. My first clutch in Jan..was on accident and not prepared and those died even though I tried to riggie up something to incubate them in , and my second clutch was all bad from the beginning out of 21 eggs only two were incubated one up to 32 days and then died because it busted in my hand when trying to candle it, wipe it off some. The last of the two made it to day 54 and did the very same thing it busted in my hand ...and it died. So now i've trained myself well not to pick them up often as I was because of being so anxious and didn't realize they were sooooooooo..........fragile. But it's really hard not to pick them up and look at them under the light. However I'm doing lots better by just peaking in on them every 3-4 days or so and making sure the temps are right. Mine have been inucbating at 79-82 degrees, mainly staying at 81 degrees so mine will probably take a long time to hatch. Just x-my fingers that they will hatch soon cause I'm getting really anxious waiting on them. Good luck with all of yours!
Ouch that's bad luck there.
I hardly ever pick them up, just letting them be is safer. But the rest is welcome to be pipping by now.
This is a strange clutch! Yesterday another one was out, didn't see him pipping either, and no noses in sight anywhere else.
I'm guessing this one is also from an egg in the middle of the clutch. Those eggs might have had a higher and/or more constant temperature there, hence the pipping before the rest?

Anyway, another healthy looking plump snakelet :D
I know they're "only" classics (should be a few anery's in the bunch), but I'm real happy with them anyway :D


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Is it just me, or does that baby look like it ate another hatchling? Hope not...

I hope not either, but I don't think so. Irl he looks like he has a big belly (still yolk there?) like the first one, but really not big enough to contain even a small hatchling.

At the moment, one nose in sight :)
Two more are out, one classic and an anery. All cute :)
several noses now, not all have pipped though. These guys are taking their time!
Wow that second baby has a huge belly! Cute little things though! Congratz on the clutch and proving out the het Anery :)
Yes he does doesn't he :) I can imagine it looking like he ate another one, but the pic does make it even bigger than it is.
I already knew the parents were both het anery, but tnx anyway :)
This pair is actually the reason I got started in morphs. I had one corn, the male, for years. The female came to me by accident, and well what do you do... You start reading and gathering info, and you breed them.
And then you get grey hatchlings? Well well, howcome, and what else exists?? From then on I was a lost cause :D
11 are out now, 8 classics and 3 anery's so far. They're really sticking to the correct percentage :)
This one is still thinking about it


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