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finished buying for the season


New member
Finally I am don till the summer. I just picked up two butter motleys and 1.2 fluorescents. God I think between Rich, Don and Rick from Renegade I spent 2300 dollars in the last two months. I want to give all these guys espescially Rich a BIG thankyou for making it easy to aquire these guys. Rich's sale was a great deal and if you guys didnt take advantage of it you really missed out.

Thanks Guys!!!!!:D

Until the next deal comes around. I've said I'm done for a while countless times, then Rich runs this sale, 20 snakes later I'm done again. I'll be picking up 4 more tomorrow. I can stop any time I want to, it's just I don't want to.
I have my wish list all ready on Rich's site, just waiting for my IRS rebate check and my snakes to lay their eggs, just so I can validate my spending. I would have prefered 2003 hatchlings, but they're almost all gone. I just couldn't buy them with a clear conscious knowing what my regular bills look like.