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First Field Herping Experience... and it was in my livingroom!

Read what I wrote and follow the wild life laws where you hunt. The biggest problem is habitat destruction so do your home work before you say something Realize that all pets and food animals came from animals that were sacrified from the wild. Don't be greedy follow the law and give back to nature. Answer - NO PROBLEM.Thank you vinman
Your edited message says it all. I agree with you completely. Stay within legalities and give back to nature. Well put Vinman. Nice chating with you.
jlanucha said:
In the future, you should think about leaving wild snakes in the wild where they belong. Keep captive bred animals for your pets.

What are you talking about? She already stated that the snake was released. :rolleyes:

FWIW, I personally have a couple of species that are known to no longer exist in the wild. What would have become of those guys if a collector wouldn't have snagged a pair and proceeded to breed them? It works both ways. :)
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I think that Jlanucha if refering to me because I sill have the Texas Rat Snake that I caught a year ago.

On another note, my wife saw another one the last couple of days. once beside her tuck tire, and the second time it was running accross our Sidewalk. Trying to locate it so that I can make sure that my dogs don't try to get a hold of it, or one of us runs over it.

pcar said:
the second time it was running accross our Sidewalk.

Paul, if it was "running" across the sidewalk, then it was probably a lizard and not a snake. :dunce:
funny.........change running to slithering.

thanks for pointing that out to me though. :rolleyes: :cheers: