I somehow got my girlfriend ok with the idea of having a snake! The babies get her every time, but this feat is one for the books! Lol so I've had my tank set up for a few days now and have the temps set. Today I was able to bring home the baby amel motley I got attached to and finally got it to its new home! Now, I've been keeping leopard geckos for a while now, but other than that I'm new to reptiles in general. The tank I have for now is a 20 gallon tall (24x12" floor) and I have a smaller reptitherm heat pad for this one. It's for 10-20 gallon tanks but pretty small once out of the packaging which I wasn't too impressed to see. But oh well, it should do the job for this small tank until It gets bigger and I can build a larger cage for it and also have it hold the geckos up top as well. I have the prob in the middle of the heat pad taped to the bottom well with electrical tape to prevent it being moved borrowing. I have been regulating the temps with a dimmer on my gecko tank and now this one. I understand temps can fluctuate based on room temp, and have my gecko tank to maintain inside of the recommended temps (outdoor sensor on that tank can keep track of max and min values). For corn snakes I have only been able to find the recommended temp of a solid 85*. Is there an acceptable range to go about this way planning for a possible 4-5* swing worst case? Would it staying in the 83-87 range for example be good for the snake?
Next is feeding... I have spoken with a local breeder which recommends a single mouse 1-1.5x the max girth of the snakes body once a week. The store I got the snake from is usually pretty reputable as well, but recommends 2-3 mice smaller in size again once a week. What's the healthiest way to go about feeding it as it grows? I have a scale coming in the next few days so I will be able to weigh the snake and food if someone has a guide for weight ratios. I have looked a bit into the Munson method and also read the majority of the threads I pull up saying it's pretty aggresive. For an average snake not intended for breedinf purposes, would I be best staying a bit below that schedule? I'm assuming they can overeat as most animals can and will, so I'd assume I can't just go off wether it looks for food again as the store recomended
Thanks for any input and I am really looking forward to this curious little guy!
Next is feeding... I have spoken with a local breeder which recommends a single mouse 1-1.5x the max girth of the snakes body once a week. The store I got the snake from is usually pretty reputable as well, but recommends 2-3 mice smaller in size again once a week. What's the healthiest way to go about feeding it as it grows? I have a scale coming in the next few days so I will be able to weigh the snake and food if someone has a guide for weight ratios. I have looked a bit into the Munson method and also read the majority of the threads I pull up saying it's pretty aggresive. For an average snake not intended for breedinf purposes, would I be best staying a bit below that schedule? I'm assuming they can overeat as most animals can and will, so I'd assume I can't just go off wether it looks for food again as the store recomended
Thanks for any input and I am really looking forward to this curious little guy!